How can I add a timer to battery powered LED lights?

by Shirley

Is there a simple way to add a timer to Battery powered led lights?

  3 answers
  • Pamela Pamela on Jan 07, 2019

    Not that I know of , but they do make led lights that have built in timers , they will go on and then off , the same time each day, they usually can be set to stay on for 6 , 8 or 10 hours.

  • Hmmm.... I don't know of any way to add a timer. Most battery powered candles come with a built in timer so that you can choose to either just have them on, or to come on at the same time each day. HERE are several choices of battery operated candles, just be sure the description says 'timer' and you should be good to go.

  • Shirley Shirley on Jan 07, 2019

    Have lots of timer lights but sometimes you get one that just has a switch. These are for outside and really don't want to go turn on and off. Thanks