How can I fix a cigarette hole on my couch

Tina blevins
by Tina blevins
The couch is cloth and also I can't just flip it over because it has Velcro on the bottom to keep it in place.and it black on the bottom with thin material so don't know what I could do for a quick would be greatly appreciatedicon needing help to fix a cigarette hole on my couch.and couch is red .icon

  1 answer
  • D fuhrman D fuhrman on Jun 17, 2018

    i wonder if you could cut a piece of fabric from the under side of the cushion. cut it a bit larger than the hole. then hot glue it to a scrap piece of fabric. tuck the scrap piece in the hole aligning the "plug" fabric up. you could possibly use hot glue to secure it or maybe stitch witchery to adhere it to the cushion. i've never done this but it may work. good luck.