Asked on Sep 07, 2017

How to remove brown spots from mirror?

Benna Bonello
by Benna Bonello
I know the black marks in 2nd photo are damage to the silvering. You can see scratches on the backing and light goes through. But what are the brownish marks and can they be removed? There's no marks on the backing behind these. Thx!
  6 answers
  • Michele Pappagallo Michele Pappagallo on Sep 07, 2017

    I think the brown marks are the beginning signs of silvering as well. With older mirrors, I am not sure there is any fix for that, other than having the mirror completely re-silvered.

  • Dl.5660408 Dl.5660408 on Sep 07, 2017

    You could try one of the spray on mirror finish paints, it does a great job of turning clear glass into mirrors

  • Benna Bonello Benna Bonello on Sep 07, 2017

    I would need to strip off the backing paint though cause it is intact behind the brown spots. Worth trying?

  • Amanda Amanda on Sep 07, 2017

    You have to remove the backing and repaint it.

  • William William on Sep 07, 2017

    Michele is correct. The silvering is going bad. Moisture got behind the paint and is attacking the silvering. You can strip the paint and silvering with Citristrip paint stripper down to the glass. Use Rustoleum Mirror Finish. then flat black paint to protect it. Make sure the glass is super clean before applying the mirror finish.

    • Gabrielle Falk Gabrielle Falk on Sep 11, 2017

      We have mirrored wardrobes in both bedrooms, and when they were installed (1987!) I was told not to use any mirror cleaner that had ammonia in it. As that can affect the silvering.

  • Benna Bonello Benna Bonello on Sep 07, 2017
