My dresser drawers won't stay shut. Any suggestions?

by Jho29115041
  3 answers
  • Nancy Nancy on Oct 26, 2017

    It depends on the type of “slides” you have. If they are the newer easy pull ones your dresser may simply be leaning forward a bit. You can put something under the legs to level it.

    If it is an older piece with the wooden pieces for the drawers to slide on they may have come loose. You could tack them back down. If the edges of it are broken you may have to find a replacement of some sort. Lastly, if it has plastic or metal runners on the bottom of the drawers that hold the drawer onto any kind of guide, it may be loose or broken. I hope this helps!

  • Could it be the hardware or possibly not sitting level?

  • FL FL on Oct 26, 2017

    Put wedges under the two front legs of your dresser.