My sofa pillows have lost their plumpness. How can I restuff them?

by Khu30131343
  8 answers
  • Ann Cherkas Halstead Ann Cherkas Halstead on Jan 07, 2018

    i actually had pillows that were too stuffed. I cut a small hole at the seem and took out stuffing. And see it back up. So yes stuff away.

  • Sco19943475 Sco19943475 on Jan 07, 2018

    I used a seam ripper on side they closed pillows, slipped opening to 3-4 inches, put in desired stuffing and whipped stitch closed. Can’t tell where done, look great.


    I agree with the first answer. then sew an invisible stick you will never know you did it.

  • Rebecca Taylor Rebecca Taylor on Jan 07, 2018

    Hello, I would take a seam ripper and make as small a hole as I could that would still be big enough to stuff some more polyfill in. Stuff it until it is where you want it to be. Then you can either stitch it back up or buy some fabric glue and voila, you pillow is plump again.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jan 07, 2018

    Are the pillows sleeping pillows on a bed, or decorative toss cushions on furniture?

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jan 07, 2018

    Oh, sorry, my error, I see the word sofa now.

    Is the stuffing the balled up style, or is it in layers? Yes, you can add new stuffing, but it should be the same style as the original, otherwise the pillows will get lumpy very quickly.

  • Khu30131343 Khu30131343 on Jan 07, 2018

    Thanks so much for all your responses!!!

  • Sharon Sharon on Jan 07, 2018

    If they have a zipper take off the cover and see what their made of. If its just minor plumpness required, I would wrap the pillow in 1" dacron. If the whole cushion is done, get a piece of foam cut to size and then wrap in 1/2-1" dacron.

    If cushion doesn't have a zipper you will have to get a seam ripper and open one end and then resew once you have your new stuffing inside.

    foam.... a tip, if your having problems getting cover back on, I dampen the cover with hot water in a spray bottle The fabric will stretch better.

    For back cushion....