What can I use to replace my iron patio chair seats that rusted out.?

Sarah Chandler
by Sarah Chandler

The seats are a wrought iron mesh that rusted out on two chairs. The other 4 are fine. I don’t mind adding cushions,but the seat would have to be replaced first. They are in a verdigris finish and the frames are in good condition.

  3 answers
  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Aug 11, 2018

    Sar, do you have a photo to share? I'd like to see what they look like so I can help you.

  • Roger Roger on Aug 11, 2018

    I have two steel chairs that the straps have rotted off and I’m going to use some ash wood strips that will be glued together around the edges and have a great looking seat. Good luck.

  • Magnolia Mama Magnolia Mama on Aug 16, 2018

    Wear eye protection and gloves to completely remove all mesh from the frame. The fragments of the mesh where they were attached to the frame will tear anything that you use to replace the seats and possible cut a sitter. You might have to grind the area smooth. When the metal frame is smooth, it is a good idea to go over the chair frame with a quality spray paint to inhibit rust.

    Now you are ready to attach new seats! A seat from woven rope is quite comfortable. Nylon rope is soft, weather resistant and comes in lots of colors. Choose rope that is 1/4"-1/2" diameter. Heat seal one end of the rope and tie it securely to one side of the frame. Continue wrapping across the frame as tightly as possible, securing with a knot when you reach the end. The key is to wrap VERY TIGHTLY. Especially if you are using natural fiber rope, wrapping the rope while it is wet will help; it shrinks as it dries. Now weave in a simple over-under pattern, stopping every few rows to push your weaving tightly together. Tie off the end, heat seal all cut edges and you have a new seat!