Where can I find replacement legs for a beautiful old cedar chest?

by Enola

I bought an beautiful old cedar chest and only one of the 7"×4" legs are in tac.. but need 4 of these and a 19" piece of trim to match. Any help as to where I can find something similar?

Also need a 19" piece of trim like this...

  8 answers
  • Grace Gleason Grace Gleason on Nov 23, 2018

    If you are going to paint the legs, you can rebuild them using Bondo Auto Body Filler. If not, check for legs at Lowes or Home Depot, or as Jessica suggested, an antique store. Good luck finding some trim to match what you have. You may have to make it, or get a friend to do it.

    • Enola Enola on Nov 23, 2018

      Thank you, but a couple of them have to much missing...but I may have to try that at a last resort...

  • Cherie Cherie on Nov 23, 2018

    If you can't find one, the hardware stores also sell new ones. A bit plainer than your originals but they would match each other!

    Also, you could try moving two good legs to the front as the rear won't be seen as much. Hobby shops also carry products that you can press into the missing trim - if there's a piece still usable - and reproduce it.

  • Enola Enola on Nov 23, 2018

    Thank you for your ideas..I really only have one good leg and the back ones are more plain...I might try that for the trim piece. Thank you!

  • Oliva Oliva on Nov 23, 2018

    There are woodworker's shops on line, some of which specialize in replacement antique furniture legs.

    Start with www.Rockler.com, and see what you find, from them, or associated sites.

  • Pat Pat on Nov 23, 2018

    In looking at the legs of your chest....it looks like two bun legs....one on top of the other. Could you check at Lowes or Menards for something like that? As for the piece of trim missing....seems I have seen something like that in those stores....I would take a picture with you and ask about that also....of course the legs (may have to buy two to match in front) and the trim will have to be finished to match the chest. Your chest is beautiful, by the way.

  • Find a local woodworker to turn legs for you. Won't be cheap though.

  • I often turn to eBay or Etsy when I'm looking for replacements like this. You'd be surprised what you can find there.

  • Libbie B Libbie B on Jan 27, 2024

    A woodworker may be able to help. They are worth searching for.