How can I fix my slippery wood deck?
we installed a large deck about 8 years ago, made from pressure treated 2x8's. It is still slimy-slippery after rain. We painted it a few years back with non-slip paint .... it peeled off. I want to try something....anything....ideas???
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Some people use shingles...seen a lot on steps to porches.
Your deck will be slippery in winter snows and summer rains, particularly if you have algae problems/high humidity
Apply a good deck cleaner (available at home stores), scrub very well. Let dry completely.
There are paints that have sand added, for extra traction.
Alternatively, apply strips of anti slip material to deck entry points, steps, etc.
Deck will require a regular cleaning regimen.
Try using wet & forget outdoor. It's a cleaner that helps to get rid of & prevent the "black" and "green". You can get it at Lowes,, and qvc. Check out this demo video at qvc. It's the only thing that has kept our algae issues at bay on our front porch steps. Not even bleach worked.
I bought a nice big rug at a discount place. Works well and looks great.
I covered my steps with rolled roofing since they were angled and I could cut the roofing to fit. I'm trying Wet and Forget on the rest of the deck but I don't know how well it's going to work. It's wet here almost all year long.
Best solution is to clean the deck and use a deck stain or water sealer. Paint will make the deck slippery.
For our slippery steps we bought rubber treads. Fortunately we have covered porches so they don't get wet often enough to get slippery. Some people paint and then sprinkle sand while it's wet...this method might prevent peeling but it stays wet longer because of the rough surface.