How can i get my tooth out of a sink?
and what does this so called "tarp" look like?
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A tooth fell down the drain in your sink?
Is this the problem?
If you have run the water already, then the tooth likely has just continued on into the sewer with the rest of the waste water.
If you have not yet run the water, then the tooth may be stuck in the trap.
The trap is the portion in blue in this diagram:
Here are instructions, as Flipturn said, if the tooth is not in the trap, it is probably long gone. On a long shot, you could try looking down the drain from the opening in the sink with a flashlight and find the tooth hung up on an obstruction or a grid, that would depend on the sink you have and the size and characteristics of the tooth. It depends on whether water has been put through the drain, if a trickle, the tooth maybe there in the trap, if regular use, not so much of it being there.
I had a roommate many years ago who lost her beautiful diamond ring her fiance had proposed with to the same circumstances as the tooth. Never knew the outcome of that.
guess what the tooth fairy came and found it while i was sleeping!
i am going to give her a note back!
she said she found it!
it must of been in the trap!
Hooray for the tooth fairy. Both of you are happy.
here is info
How can I get a lost tooth that fell in the sink drain?
open up an elbow on the bottom