How to remove and remedy water and oil accumulation in elevator pit?

by Avc27528829
What can we do to remedy the accumulation of water after a heavy rain in an exterior elevator pit. After several days it gets a bad smell. calling all elevator
professionals to the rescue!

  6 answers
  • William William on Feb 02, 2018

    The elevators in the nursing home I worked for had sump pump pits. There were several times the pits flooded and the sump pumps took care of it.

  • Cindy Cindy on Feb 02, 2018

    I agree with William. Sump pumps will take that extra water and push it outside. No more water accumulation and no more bad smells.

  • Sharon Sharon on Feb 02, 2018

    As a former apartment and factory general manager, what are you waiting for.... get a pro out there to clean up and find a solution. I would first get it pumped out by someone, find out why its flooding and having standing water..... and then find a solution to prevent future water..... this is called the cost of doing business.

  • Dustin Braun Dustin Braun on Feb 03, 2018

    Call a professional water remediation company such as Contruemax if your in Florida. If you dont get the pit clean and dry the odor will never go away and the damage to the elevator will outway any costs to resolve the problem sooner than later. I have had to have pits dried a cleaned many times. It's illegal to just pump the oil contaminated water outside as well.

  • Jesicacraddock Jesicacraddock on Mar 09, 2023

    I saw your post about the elevator pit being filled with water after a hard rain. That sounds like a real pain! I had a similar issue a while back, and I ended up finding a company called Hin Chong Lift Maintenance Services that really helped me out. They were super responsive and professional, and they knew exactly how to deal with the problem. If you're still looking for someone to help you out, I'd definitely recommend giving them a call. Hope this helps!

  • Mogie Mogie on Mar 09, 2023

    A build-up of standing water in an elevator pit can give off a foul odour that smells like “rotten eggs”. This is caused by hydrogen sulfide gas resulting from anaerobic digestion. In addition to having an unpleasant smell, this gas can be dangerous for elevator technicians and maintenance workers.

    Any maneuver performed under these conditions therefore requires trained and qualified personnel to enter a confined space, using gas exposure monitors that can detect the presence of the toxic substance.