How would you suggest I unclog a bathtub drain?

by Rick
  4 answers
  • Oliva Oliva on Feb 04, 2019

    Push 1 cip baking soda down the drain cover area. Follow with 1-2 liquid measuring cups of distilled white vinegar. You should immediately see bubbling.Let set 45 minutes. Follow by pouring at least 5 quarts of boiling water down the drain. Repeat as needed ( may take 3 tries).

    If black slimy material is forced up into tub, wipe it up with paper towels and dispose of in your trash. If you can remove drain cover and insert Q-Tips or similar long handled, slim tool to remove more deposits, do so

    You'll most likely find hair and soap scum in the drain. Use a drain strainer to block hair from entering drain. Bar soap contains fatty acids which deposit on your piping.

    Get into the habit of using the baking soda, vinegar and boiling water routine at least 2x/ month, to keep drains clear.

  • Tom Stuart Tom Stuart on Feb 04, 2019

    Bathtub drains are normally caused by hair clogs. There are several types of tub drains. Pull out the stopper and clean it off. Put a rag over the drain to catch the screws and unscrew the overflow plate. Pull it out and clean it off. This should solve the problem. If you have another type of drain system do a YouTube search and you will find many videos for different types of drains.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Feb 04, 2019

    Get one of those cheap plastic drain cleaner to remove the gunk and hair that are just sitting there. Then the baking soda/vinegar down the drain, cover, & let it sit while you let the water boil. Repeat. Like Oliva suggested.