Cake pans stuck together
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Ice in the inside pan, let it get cold (I freeze it). Once good and frozen, set the bottom in a pan with boiling water.
Or place the pans in a 300* oven for a few minutes. Then run cold or ice water over them while using a flat knife to separate the pans. ☺️
I know this works for glasses and dishes- put cold water in the interior one and then place the outer one in hot and it should give you enough clearance to force apart. I use something of wood that can force apart the items. Good luck.
Sorry, I wrote before I saw the suggestion above. Just be patient.
I just hd two glass bowls that stuck together..could not get them apart. I set boiling water in the top one and let it sit..they came apart easily after the water just started to cool. Heat expands..cold contracts.
Sorry it' been so long since I couod check answers. Had operation and infection.. Thank you all for your resposes ajd wll try them one by one.
I can't get to middle pan, only top or bottom. Appreciate varied aswers.
One of them should work.
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you could try either dribbling "clr" around the joint - or in extreme cases, try wd-40.
dribble/spray around the joint, then gently work your way around the perimeter pulling the seams apart.
Throw them in the freezer and loosen each one at room temperature, returning to freezer A little wiggle, ice, heat, loosen is the word