How can I fix my window sill that my dog has destroyed with her nails?

I'd like to put some plexi glass over it once repaired as my dog thinks she can attack the mailman through the window. The paint is all gone but that's the easy part. It looks like any filler is gone and the wood is starting to be destroyed as well.

  5 answers
  • Shoshana Shoshana on Oct 31, 2017

    This Hometalker had a similar problem. I think you'll find the comments helpful-

    Window sill finish ruined from dog nails
  • Pg Pg on Oct 31, 2017

    Sand any loose paint and remove all sanding dust. Then apply a wood filler and sand that with very fine sandpaper. Again, remove the sanding dust. Repaint with an oil-based paint, then cover with the Plexiglas. Just know that the Plexiglas will eventually scratch, leaving it cloudy looking.

  • Barbara Barbara on Oct 31, 2017

    you can get wood putty at any big box store to fill in the missing wood, then paint before putting the plexiglass.

  • Kba27697237 Kba27697237 on Oct 31, 2017

    make sure dogs nails are maintained regularly. Sand and repair wood, paint.

    Cut a board to size that covers window sill. Paint. Dog will destroy cover board. Plexiglass will work too - but more expensive... you could always train your dog to not attack window..... or not allow them into that room....

  • Ebbjdl Ebbjdl on Oct 31, 2017

    Putt in a partial window sill or cut the one you have there. There will be no place for the dog to grab. She needs some obedience lessons.