Peeling aluminum door

by Mary
I have an aluminum storm door on my back patio. It has started to peel and the pressed board is showing. I can't replace the door at this time, but need to find a way to repair it. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I can do to patch the door?
  3 answers
  • William William on Jun 08, 2016
    You can use auto body filler to repair the door. It's designed to adhere to metal. Cut off any protruding metal with tin snips if there is any. You can use a hammer and lightly pound the metal flat. Lightly sand the area to be patched. Wipe it down with a damp cloth. Mix the resin and filler per the instructions. Use a plastic putty knife and fill in the patch area. Let it harden for at least one hour. Once hard, you can sand it smooth and flush with the surface. Clean and wipe down the whole door and your ready for primer and paint. Basically you would be doing body work to your door like a body shop repairs cars. DO NOT USE WOOD PUTTY FOR THE REPAIR AS IT WILL POP OUT DUE TO TEMPERATURE CHANGES. Good luck!
    • Linda Johnson Linda Johnson on Jun 08, 2016
      @William I like your helpful idea! Too many times it's easy to buy something new, but takes work to keep something functioning that just needs a thoughtful repair. Great tip that we can use on our storm door!
  • Meredith Black Meredith Black on Jun 08, 2016
    I used white duck tape on one till I could get a new one. didn't look to bad.
  • Mary Mary on Jun 09, 2016
    Will be trying the Bondo idea from William. Will probably tackle this job over the weekend