How can I upcycle old square duct pipes?

by Bonnie

I have old duct pipes and was wondering if someone had some ideas for using them to make something from them

  4 answers
  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on Apr 28, 2019

    Ductwork is galvanized sheet metal. It will weather fairly well. It also bends easily, so you can create a variety of things from this. I would disassemble the rectangle first. They are generally two halves that pop together with little "buttons" on the edges. Use a flat screwdriver to release these buttons and it will come apart. Then you can flatten the metal and start fresh! Wear gloves! Galvy is extremely sharp like a knife.

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Apr 28, 2019

    Bonnie, if you click on "explore projects" then type "pipes in upcycle" in search box and hit enter you will find a good number of ideas. I chose one for you, hope it helps:

  • Dwp7470b Dwp7470b on Apr 28, 2019

    Please wear protective eyewear and gloves when handling metals.

    With additional parts or resources, like standard aluminum flashing, You can make mostly anything out of these:

    Fountains, Posts, Drainage, Roofing, Drain Pipes...etc...

    Concrete molds, Paver Molds, etc..

    Flower Pots, Raised Gardens, etc..

  • Janice Janice on May 03, 2019

    Galvanized metal is all the rage right now for the country chic/industrial look in decorating. You could use the materials to make signs that you stencil or hand letter. Also you might be able to make some very cool planters for inside or outside your home. Maybe reinforce with wood to make window boxes? You might be able to fashion them into some unique downspout extensions for your home too.