Anyone have any ideas to use cake frosting containers

I bake a lot and always have lots of cake frosting containers so wanted to reuse them. Thanks.
  8 answers
  • Cora burke Cora burke on Jan 28, 2015
    they are good for storing nails screws and small objects in mark on the outside of the container what is inside.
  • Peggy Dawson Peggy Dawson on Jan 28, 2015
    Besides using for storage you could make them into a snowman by adding felt or black buttons for the eyes and mouth. Cover the lid with black felt. For the top of the hat cover an empty can that mushrooms or diced peppers come in (depends how tall you'd like the hat) with felt or spray paint black. Put a ribbon around the can where it touches the frosting lid. Now you have a give away container for Christmas baked goods.
  • Katrina Warren Katrina Warren on Jan 28, 2015
    I just googled uses for empty frosting containers you could do the same for inspiration. I thought this ideal was cute, & could be modified for whatever holiday or just anytime really.
  • Dottie Dottie on Jan 29, 2015
    I spray painted some with red/white stripes, filled with candy and gave them at Christmas. They're good for portable snacks or for keeping snacks in the room next to your chair. Just think portion control ! Spray paint, poke holes , use the top as a dish for your new plant pot.
  • Angela Gale Angela Gale on Mar 27, 2015
    Im actually in the process right now of Making some of mine into mini planters for small flowers on my porch! Just got on the Internet to see The if anyone else had tried anything similar! Good luck!
  • Janice Janice on Sep 03, 2023

    They make great organizers for storage. Also they work great in the bottom of a shallow drawer to organize your junk drawer.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Sep 03, 2023

    If you have more containers than projects, why not donate them to a local elementary school? They would have plenty of uses for them.