How do I upcycle a smoked glass tabletop?

D Corwin
by D Corwin

My vintage outdoor, wrought iron mesh, table set had at one time been used inside a home and has a smoked glass top. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can change the look of the smoked glass (without replacing it)? I live in an area that gets lots of heat so even though it is under a lattice patio cover need to take that into consideration. Thanks!

  5 answers
  • D Corwin D Corwin on Mar 28, 2019

    Thanks but its a 60" round dining table -- not a coffee table. I should have specified that in the original post.

  • William William on Mar 28, 2019

    A few ideas. The smoke color can be a concern. I like the etching or glass mosaic.

  • D Corwin D Corwin on Mar 28, 2019

    I too am concerned that the smoked effect will alter the color when using some of these methods. The glass is already really heavy so had thought about using the faux stain glass painting method if all else falls. Wondering if it would help if I used some form of a white primer to start with.

  • Em Em on Mar 29, 2019

    If you are painting over the glass the smoked glass with stained glass paint, it should not matter. The light will still show thru it. There are also a lot of glass tile out now that you could glue on top, that are made for bathroom shower and kitchen backsplash.

    • D Corwin D Corwin on Mar 29, 2019

      Thanks; I think it will depend on the color of the stained glass paint since it is semi-transparent - the smoked color of the original glass may make some colors appear muddy. I don't think I can glue tiles made for back splashes to the top - they are fairly heavy and would add too much weight to the glass. I might be able to use the small, very thin, mosaic tiles - would just be a long process setting them one at a time.