How do I cover window around window air conditioner?

Debbie Oerman
by Debbie Oerman
  3 answers
  • Mary Jane Johnson Mary Jane Johnson on Aug 22, 2018

    If you can sew get an old sheet and cut it to fit your window I have done this just pick a color that will go with your decor.

  • Take some measurements then cut a piece of plywood to fit. If you don't have access to tools, just take your measurements down to the nearest home depot or Lowes and they will cut it for you free of charge

  • Kelly-n-Tony Kelly-n-Tony on Aug 22, 2018

    We had a large space above our sliding window that we had to fill so a cut to fit piece of plywood did the trick. I'd advise painting it so it blends in. For smaller gaps you can use foam strips and or tape.