I want to replace wooden blinds with plastic blinds- how can I DIY?

by Phy33507701
Should I measure and do myself or try to hire someone else. The wooden blinds are too heavy to raise to clean the windows. It hurts my hands to raise the blinds.Thanks for your input.

  1 answer
  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on Jul 02, 2018

    I know what you mean when you say it hurts your hands to do something like this. I have the same problems, and I think it would probably be too much for you to install them yourself. I know I wouldn't be able to do this. This is what I would do:

    Go to your local hardware store, Home Depot, Lowe's, etc. and talk to someone in the blinds department. Tell them you would like to choose some lightweight blinds and ask to have them do the installation. I know our Home Depot does this. Let me know how it goes, I love to hear the results everyone has. Have some fun choosing your blinds!