Mounted TV mantel distress. How do you decorate??

Show me the and to decorate the mantel with a TV over it. I'm used to going all out and now I'm limited on space.
  13 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Oct 05, 2015
    Is there any possibility of moving the TV?
    • Anissa Taylor Proctor Anissa Taylor Proctor on Oct 05, 2015
      No ma'am. We just bought our home and moved in 3 months ago. Hubs mounted it and it's staying. I don't mind it there- I just want to see how others decorate theirs
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Oct 05, 2015
    Ok how about putting a shelf or if you have room a decorative piece for your things.
  • Barbara Barbara on Oct 05, 2015
    It's a tough call because the TV. for proper viewing. takes a lot of wall space. I think I'd be tempted to move the pictures to the left wall by the window, in a grouping, and put your candle sconces (from the desk) on each end of the mantle. Small decorative objects under the TV to avoid distraction. We didn't hang our TV for exactly this reason. I wanted the fireplace and mantle to be the focal point and not our huge TV screen. Maybe the mantle could be a warmer wood tone? Without seeing the rest of the room, it's hard to say what might work best. Good Luck!
    • Anissa Taylor Proctor Anissa Taylor Proctor on Oct 05, 2015
      My living room is in various shades of linen, white, cream and cocoa with a teeny bit of color in my rug. It's eclectic but it feels wide open and clean this way.
  • PainterNoni PainterNoni on Oct 05, 2015
    I wouldn't decorate the mantel at all. The small pictures are not in scale with the large TV. Perhaps some very tall, narrow IKEA shelves on either side. Your small pictures could then be a part of a larger arrangement on either side. Normally, I don't care too much for symetrical, but this space seems to need it.
  • PainterNoni PainterNoni on Oct 05, 2015
    I just looked at the photo doesn't look like there is enough space for even very narrow shelves. How about putting small floating shelves up on each side of the TV...then place your small photos on the shelves. there are also frames with severl compartments.......long skinny frames on either side with your photos would highlight them better.
  • 861650 861650 on Oct 05, 2015
    How about framing the TV with wood or, frame a box around it. Paint same color as wall. And here is where I get some good and/or bad ideas but here goes. Go to a poster website. Pick one out that you really love and goes with your decor. Make another frame the same size as the first one but with thinner wood and a bit wider (This will be your picture frame.)Then cut the poster to fit and glue to poster board. You can use 2-3 white poster boards from the dollar store for the backing and cut to size. Possibly use a piano hinge to attach your picture to the original frame surrounding the TV...maybe on the side. Next, and I have done this is google, "how to decorate a mantle" or "how to decorate a mantle with a TV." You will get so many ideas so "pin" the ones you like. Hope this helps!
  • Z Z on Oct 05, 2015
    A have a couple questions first. 1. Do you have another window treatments planned? Possibly cornices? 2. Are you up to painting the walls?
  • Anissa Taylor Proctor Anissa Taylor Proctor on Oct 05, 2015
    We will paint in the future probably grey with white wainscoting beneath it. I don't have window treatments right now because it's a huge commitment to buy curtains or shades and then not like them or see something else. It's my first home and I don't want anything permanent because we have to sell it after this tour (We are both active duty) if we move. No shelves although built ins is a dream lol. Just placement. I need to SEE ideas to execute. My creativity is in the piece- not the placement if that makes sense.
  • Anissa Taylor Proctor Anissa Taylor Proctor on Oct 05, 2015
    Minimalist fall-
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  • Anissa Taylor Proctor Anissa Taylor Proctor on Oct 05, 2015
    Made these today out of scraps and foam pumpkins from dollar tree.
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  • Z Z on Oct 05, 2015
    First off, thank you and your hubby for your service. It is greatly appreciated. I love what you did with the pumpkins. I think it would look a bit better if you placed the picture frames else where. I would also suggest to place the bookcase on the right against the wall so it doesn't block any of the window. Could the desk to the left be placed behind the sofa by any chance? I have to get something done right now, but will be back in a bit if you have any other questions. I love decorating and vignettes if one of my favorite parts of it.
  • C C on Oct 05, 2015
    This picture is not my own..... but a great example of something that I think would be good for your space with the windows on each side. If you "build up" you fireplace.... then you don't need to "fill the space" under your TV ;-)
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    • See 2 previous
    • This is exactly what I would recommend! Frame the TV and accentuate the sides with greenery. If you want to keep the TV elevated you could still place a long, wrought iron perhaps, multi candle holder under it as well.
  • Terra Gazelle Terra Gazelle on Oct 06, 2015
    How about adding some small eclectic pictures around the tv. Treating the tv as if it were art. Its a big problem with having the tv above the fire place..your decorating is limited.