Rose of sharon seeds

Beverly P
by Beverly P
I just went out and poked around in the backyard, and I see that my Rose of Sharon has all these seed pods on it. Can I pot them up and start new plants? How do I do it, like do I have to soak them overnight? These have wintered over, are they still viable? I am in zone 6. Thanks!
  5 answers
  • We haver rose of sharon trees in our yard. They grow like weeds. They keep popping up in our gardens and in the yard as well. You should have no issue replanting them and having a good result.
  • Andrea S Andrea S on Apr 05, 2013
    I would leave it and wait for the seedlings to come up. Then you can replant them. Mine didn't like to be in the pots in the window for the winter. Most of them died and the 2 little ones left don't look very good. But I see the seedlings outside and I will have no problem moving them and pulling out what we don't need. One thing you should be careful about is that you don't wait too long to get them out. They get really really long and strong roots that are impossible to get out without damage. I waited for one to have a few stems, it was only about 12 inches tall and the roots were killers. It took a while for it to recover the transplant. If you don't want so many, make sure you pull them out as soon as you see them. They will be growing like weeds.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Apr 05, 2013
    As the others have suggested, it's far more often an issue of having too many Rose of Sharon than too few. Pot away.
  • Peg Peg on Apr 05, 2013
    My comment is the same as others. I don't need to save my seeds, I just transplant the babies that will grow all around the mother plant. I have so many that I donate them to the Garden Club plant sale. Look around the area under your bushes, I'm sure that you'll find the babies!
  • Beverly P Beverly P on Apr 07, 2013
    Thanks all for your help. I actually got these from my neigbor a few years ago, so I knew they start there own shoots, but I guess I was thinking about starting from seed to maybe sell some. I will just wait til I have runners and do it that way. Thanks again!