Plain Bench Update

by Julie
This is what I got today. I can still return most of it since it seems that I might have gone overboard. I also have wall art that I haven't hung yet. Please let me know if this is too much of a good thing. Do I need the basket and extra pillow? Do I even need the small table and lamp? I have to keep the lampshade though because I took the cellophane off of it, but can move it somewhere else.
Here is the artwork that I got at BB&B. I liked some better at Pier 1 but had a coupon for this one. I can also return this since it hasn't been removed from it's box. There is a small lantern that I forgot that I put in my basket at t
This is how the bench looked originally.
  18 answers
  • Deb Deb on Jan 17, 2016
    You've got to much going on here! Nothing really goes together. The two pillows on the bench are the closest to matching, but the buttons and paisley print are questionable, what does your couch look like. The basket and pillow are also close but not with the other items. Then there's the lamp shade, do a DIY project and cover it with rope/jute to match bench, even linen or burlap! And the little black lamp (craftsman style) would look great in your garden/patio. Good luck.
  • Julie Julie on Jan 18, 2016
    Couch is solid beige so the lampshade matches and I love almost anything with birds on it. Maybe I only need one pillow but which one? And maybe the basket needs to go too?? If I keep the artwork, will it clash with the pillows? The table and lamp can both go. I had never planned on getting those but when I started shopping I couldn't quite stop.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jan 18, 2016
    My suggestion to you is to use what makes most sense.I would start with hanging the picture and go from there.Since is it such a nice piece I would not overcrowd the area.
  • Bernice Hillman Bernice Hillman on Jan 18, 2016
    Use the picture & get rid of the pillows & use more brown instead of the black.
  • Julie Julie on Jan 18, 2016
    Here are 3 options
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    • Gail@Purple Hues and Me Gail@Purple Hues and Me on Jan 18, 2016
      @Julie I like the first photo without the table and accessories and I think the picture needs to be lower. You can use the pillow somewhere else and the lamp is too small for that area.
  • Mary Mary on Jan 18, 2016
    Hi I think the biggest issue is scale rather than what you have chosen. The cute table is too low and small. If you added a larger table then the artwork would not overwhelm the bench. I would add a pillow pulling the colors from the artwork. On top of table maybe keep it simple with a lamp and two accessories i.e. Stack a couple of books and top with a plant, photos, favorite pottery etc
  • MN Mom MN Mom on Jan 18, 2016
    Are you going to use this as a staged area or use the bench for seating? I would use a larger pillow for either choice. The space between the bottom of the picture and the bench seat seens to drawf the size of the pillow. If you're not using it as a functional seating, I would move the lamp. If you're pksnning on it as a seating area, a taller lamp might be better.
  • Julie Julie on Jan 18, 2016
    No, I doubt that anyone will ever sit on the bench. I put it there because the wall is so big and didn't know what else to do. The picture is actually pretty low on the wall. I could get a bigger pillow. What color would be best?
  • Julie Julie on Jan 18, 2016
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  • Julie Julie on Jan 18, 2016
    If someone had some photos so that I could get some ideas, I woul be most grateful.
  • Julie Julie on Jan 18, 2016
    Size wise but in different colors?
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  • Polly Zieper Polly Zieper on Jan 18, 2016
    It does look kind of busy, I thinkI'd keep the lamp ifyou'll use it, or get a floor lamp, Can yopu change things to keep the colors consistent?( the basket liner and pillow the same color as the throw or change the blu/gray throw for black and white to go with the basket and the bench legs?
    • See 1 previous
    • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jan 18, 2016
      @Julie Its not hard at all. there alot of hometalkers giving different opinions making your choices a bit more difficult. I say go with what are trying to accomplish in that area and I am sure it will turn out great.
  • LindaK LindaK on Jan 18, 2016
    Julie, It looks like you are drawn to two different styles. The soft blues, bird lamp shade, woven bench are country. Then there are the bold graphics, the dark rather masculine colors and extra large pillows. Depending what the rest of the room looks like you'll need to choose a direction that fits best.
    • Julie Julie on Jan 18, 2016
      I inherited a lot of blue. It was my mother's favorite color. I have had to incorporate it into my color scheme which tends to lean towards browns and beiges. I love rich but neutral colors. That might be an oxymoron.
  • Julie Julie on Jan 18, 2016
    Went with different colors and bigger pillows. Does any pic look better than the others?
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  • Susan Susan on Jan 18, 2016
    Picture 4. Lamp is too small and table and lamp are too much.
  • Julie Julie on Jan 19, 2016
    The only thing that I can't decide on is whether to use the blue or beige throw with the beige pillows? Any help? Thanks so much. I act as if I am the only person who has a decorating problem and you all have been so kind to help me with this "small" dilemma. Table is going back to the store but I can only return one throw since I cut the tags off of one. Thanks again, and any suggestions will always be appreciated. Julie
  • Susan Susan on Jan 19, 2016
    No worries! I do the same thing! You're the one that will live with it in the end. It is just an opinion and I'm certainly not a professional. You're right about that pop of blue, probably the throw. Maybe a floor lamp if you need light over there.
  • Julie Julie on Jan 19, 2016
    Okay, everything is finished. No lamp or table… just the two large pillows and the blue throw. Thanks everyone!!