What is the name of this flowering tree?

Teresa D
by Teresa D
Someone told me it was a kind of magnolia. It has the prettiest flowers but they don't last long at all.
There are 3 of them. Sorry they are so hard to see in this pic but I wanted you to see how tall they are.
Here you can see the trunk better and some flowers are growing from here so I can get a closer pic
flower close up 1
flower close up 2
  45 answers
  • Faidra at  CA Global Inc Faidra at CA Global Inc on Feb 07, 2012
    Teresa is this in your yard, it's magnificent!
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Feb 08, 2012
    One of the loveliest signs of spring. Should be fragrant, too.
  • Erica Glasener Erica Glasener on Feb 08, 2012
    Blooming early this year, enjoy!
  • Teresa D Teresa D on Feb 08, 2012
    You nailed it, Southern. Thanks! It is nice to finally know what it is. These are my favorite in my whole yard. @faidra Yep, I have the three lining my driveway. I just hate that the blooms fade so quickly and I've only seen it in full bloom once, during my first year in the house. The last 2 years, it blooms at the top and then when the middle and bottom start to bloom, the top has already faded. What can I do to keep them healthy and beautiful? Should I have them trimmed? Should I fertilize them?
  • JP S JP S on Feb 08, 2012
    My favorite spring blooming tree-you are so lucky to have three!
  • Diane S Diane S on Feb 08, 2012
    Its a tulip tree!
  • Sheryll S Sheryll S on Feb 08, 2012
    It looks like a Japanese Magnolia, but can not say for sure. I had one at the old large property and just loved it.
  • David S David S on Feb 08, 2012
  • Teresa D Teresa D on Feb 08, 2012
    Ahhh, so Japanese Magnolia and Saucer Magnolia are the same thing. I was confused for a minute there. Both of those names are easier to remember than "Magnolia x soulangiana". If I can get a better photo of it with the majority of the blooms open, I'll post it for you guys. It's really gorgeous when they are all in bloom at the same time. I can see them from my bedroom window. (one of the few perks to having a bedroom window face the front of the house)
  • Vickie B Vickie B on Feb 08, 2012
    Looks like a magnolia
  • Vickie B Vickie B on Feb 08, 2012
    I have one in my yard....yes, this far north! but I am letting mine go so it is more like a bush or shrub.
  • Southern Trillium LLC Southern Trillium LLC on Feb 08, 2012
    Teresa, you are correct in that the common names are much easier to remember. But as you can tell with the common names of many plants, there are lots of different names for the same plant. Sometimes, there are different names commonly used by different areas of the country, all referring to the same plant. Those of us in the industry usually work with the botanical names, because it removes any confusion from the multiple common names. There isn't anything wrong with common names, but sometimes knowing the true botanical name means that you can be assured that you are looking at, or even buying, the exact plant that you are interested in. As an example, when working with clients, we typically provide both common names and botanical names for all plant material. We do this because people most likely will recognize the common names, but the botanical name allows for more accurate searching and verification. We also usually use the botanical names for most plants when dealing with nurseries and growers.
  • Ah, Solangiana, one of my faves. I hope mine holds off blooming until the weeping willow leafs out and the cherries, redbuds, wisteria are blooming. Here are pics from last year.
    comment photo
    comment photo
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Feb 08, 2012
    Teresa D, that is a beautiful tree. Isn't it a little early for the flower? I hope you get to see all of the blooms. Who can trust the weather?
  • Lucie R Lucie R on Feb 09, 2012
    That is a Japanese Magnolia also known as the tulip tree.
  • Southern Trillium LLC Southern Trillium LLC on Feb 09, 2012
    Going back to the discussion of the confusion over common names, look at how many different common names have been listed for this tree. We have Saucer Magnolia, Japanese Magnolia, and Tulip Tree. And for more interesting conversation, let's consider the name of 'Japanese Magnolia.' Anyone care to guess why this name ever came to be because this species of plant is named after the Frenchman who raised the original hybrid of this plant on his plantation in France. Doesn't sound very Japanese at all does it?
  • Sherrie, if you were commenting on my pix, these were from last year, when trees displayed propper manners of blooming at the right time.
  • Southern T, I do the same for my clients. Funny for last year many growers were calling Creeping Phlox by it's very old common name of Thrift. Some of the new hires in common garden centers thought it was mislabled becaus Thrift was the label for the plant with the little pink pompoms and short grass like leaves. But wait, some had that plant the past few years as Thrift and Sea thrift. Sure confused the new hires! Common names for one plant may mean an entirely different plant in another location. In Calif. way back, Sea Thrift was Thrift, Creeping Phlox was not Thrift. But a rose is still a rose by any other name...
  • P.S. Tulip Tree is also a name for our poplar trees. I do love their flowers.
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Feb 10, 2012
    Flowerscapes, we have a law of nature here in Fla. Nobody can have flowers before or after we do so that is why I questioned the blooming time.
  • Marvin R Marvin R on Feb 11, 2012
    I have one also it doesnt even have leaves yet they are amazing though. Our weather here in NC has been weird my passiflora has not even died back yet.
  • Pam Y Pam Y on Feb 11, 2012
    This type of magnolia blooms sometimes twice a year. I live in zone 5 and mine blooms spring and then sometimes late in fall. Short lived but also very pretty.
  • Teresa D Teresa D on Feb 11, 2012
    fingers crossed that it will bloom again. It is really cold. 30 degrees and really windy - occasional sleet and we're going down to 19 degrees tonight and 20 degrees tomorrow night. *sigh .. Good ol' February! Anyway, not even half the trees have bloomed. I can probably say good bye to the remaining buds.
  • Terri J Terri J on Feb 11, 2012
    Teresa, if it helps, my neighbor has a magnolia that has some gorgeous blooms that have survived when we had freakishly cold weather - below the freeezing level. I hope the same holds true for you, as it is to pretty to let the cold get to it!
  • Sheryll S Sheryll S on Feb 12, 2012
    Hey Teresa D, how is Snellville today? Have you lived there long? Is the Hancock Fabric Store still there? I was very good friends with Jana, who was the manager there for a while. She quit to get a better paying job. I remember she kept a somewhat big Easter Chick window display that would have been thrown away and used it in the window at Easter time.... we laughingly referred to it as the Snellville Chicken (in reference to the much famous "Big Chicken" a bit further from it.
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Feb 12, 2012
    Teresa D, just to make you feel better I will tell you that it is 30 degrees in Florida today. Ice in the birdbath. Normally we think 60 degrees is very cold.
  • David S David S on Feb 13, 2012
  • Teresa D Teresa D on Feb 14, 2012
    Well ... they are all gone. Every flower, bloom, every unopened bud turned brown this weekend. :-( Oh well. Misery loves company so thanks Sherrie S. and thanks for the hope, Terri J. :-) Sheryll S. Snellville is great! I'm not sure how long its been since you've been here, but lots of growth between 99 and 2006. It continues to change of course - some good, some not so good. One change worth noting, the reversible lanes on 78 are gone. They put in a median though. Hancock is gone. I believe it is a Dollar Store now.
  • Pam Y Pam Y on Feb 15, 2012
    The good news is it will come back make sure you don't prune it as new buds will be forming soon but for now force some tulip bulbs or any spring flower in some water and it will lift your spirits once again.
  • Mimi Haywood Mimi Haywood on Mar 30, 2015
    I have seen it called a Tulip Tree.
  • Linda Holland Linda Holland on Apr 01, 2015
    I have called it a Tulip tree also.. I had one for 10 years in another home and in those 10 years got to see it bloomed out 2 times. In Ga. we have crazy spring weather. Most of the time it would start to bloom and they we would get a freeze.. This year has been same a lot of them bloomed and they were beautiful for a few days then turned freezing and gone were the blooms. But didn't know they grow that tall<<
  • Barbara Valenti Barbara Valenti on Jun 14, 2015
    I thought it was a magnolia? There are some called fake magnolias but I can not remember the technical name. They don't last long, but are very pretty!
  • DianaB DianaB on Oct 25, 2015
    If you Google pink magnolia tree and then click on images, you will find oodles of images of what you might be looking for. Hope that helps.
  • Nicole Nicole on Oct 29, 2015
    My Mom and Grandmother call it a Japanese Magnolia tree
  • Louise Louise on Apr 16, 2016
    I say tulip tree
  • Lee Lee on Apr 17, 2016
    As far as I know it's a Japanese Magnolia, (better known by some Southerners, ehem, my ex-mother-in-law, as a "tulip tree").
  • Mary Coakley Mary Coakley on Jun 13, 2016
    This is a Magnolia tree the flowers come on and once over the leaves come on.They are the cream of trees
  • Lisa Welsh Lisa Welsh on Sep 13, 2016
    It looks like a Purple Orchid Tree but I don't think they get that tall!
  • Carey Carey on Sep 16, 2016
    It does look like the magnolia tree that my Mom planted but with darker color than hers. Also called Tulip tree in this area.
  • Pam7061642 Pam7061642 on Oct 01, 2016
    Magnolia Tree
  • Wan7770269 Wan7770269 on Oct 07, 2016
    Does the tree have a seed pod after the bloom I know magnolia do like a pine cone with red seed very nice trees wish I had a couple .
  • Charlene Armellino Charlene Armellino on Oct 23, 2016
    This tree is called a Japanese magnolia