Custom glass block vs. ready made glass block windows/

Dee W
by Dee W
My windows vary in size by several inches. Should we custom order or buy all one size and fill in with cement and caulk? I worry about the appearance and stability of the installation as well as the expense of custom-made. One window was priced at $260.
  9 answers
  • The Manly Club The Manly Club on Feb 26, 2012
    Are you questioning your decision to install glass block in general or you have decided to install glass block and now just want to know the quality difference between custom and non-custom? The decision to install glass block always depends and how much and where. Vast installs in large openings I stay away from. If this is one small opening you are describing I would not give it much thought and go the least expensive route.
  • What dimensions are your windows? Lowes & Home Depot both offer an acrylic block window that looks decent and is cost effective. I prefer the look of glass block install the old fashioned way...but that's just me. The acrylics look good and perform well from what I have seen in using them.
  • Dee W Dee W on Feb 26, 2012
    HomeProHub: I want the glass block but wonder about the quality of the ready made vs. custom made as well as the fact that ready made is about 2 inches too small on each side and and inch to an inch and half on top and bottom.
  • Dee W Dee W on Feb 26, 2012
    HandyAndy: They are all around 34x18, rough opening with several being slightly shorter or slimmer. I have 13 windows and it is a real investment.
  • The Manly Club The Manly Club on Feb 26, 2012
    With that many openings of that size I would suggest two things.....custom order the glass and go all the way and hire an exceptionally skilled and experienced contractor with a glazing licence. The best quality and most expensive glass/window of any type installed improperly will perform worse than the cheapest glass/window on the market that is installed correctly and with craftsmanship. There is no exception to that rule.
  • Dee W Dee W on Feb 27, 2012
    Thank-you both for your input. I guess I knew all along this would be the way to go, but like most people hoped there might be a cheaper option. This project will take a few years to complete but needs to be done.
  • Dee W Dee W on Apr 30, 2012
    Just to update my faithful information givers, we went ahead and custom ordered 7 of the 13 windows needed and are now in the installation process(my husband and our neighbor, a mason, will be doing them.) Thank-you to all of you who gave us your input.
  • The Manly Club The Manly Club on May 03, 2012
    Hopefully you can post some pictures after......good luck!
  • Dee W Dee W on May 31, 2012
    Here are some pics of the old and the new windows. Only another 6 to install!
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