What's the best deck stain or paint solution for decking that is cracking/weathered?

Lisa M
by Lisa M
Someone suggested turning over the decking.
  19 answers
  • Lisa, turning over the decking can be a cheap (free if you do it yourself) way to help with things. The underside doesn't get nearly the same weathering as the top does. It might be worth turning over a random few and seeing what the undersides look like. Also, a product called Sikkens is great for protecting the wood.
  • Terri J Terri J on Mar 01, 2012
    Peace Painting Co. told me about a product called "Restore" that you can get at The Depot. I haven't tried it yet, but they said you just have to wash the deck, removing all the loose stuff, and it will cove almost anything, including cracks. You may want to check that out.
  • Peace Painting Co., Inc. Peace Painting Co., Inc. on Mar 01, 2012
    Impressive recall, Terri. Restore is made for this scenario. It's a 10 year product and it really does fill in all the cracks and make the old boards look even, so you won't have to flip them. It's the only product I would consider for these conditions. Plus, it's once and done. I believe it comes with a DVD. Best, Charles
  • There are several other options that you can use other then sealing, painting, turning over etc. There are products that are fastened directly over the deck boards, some are the same size some or like carpet. Deck Skins are one product but there are many more. Do a Google search on vinyl deck covers. Lots of great products will show up.
  • Lisa M Lisa M on Mar 02, 2012
    Wow I never would have thought about a deck cover, thanks Woodbridge. I will also check out the Restore product. Has anyone had success using the Restore product?
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Mar 02, 2012
    You do not mention what type of wood?. I have sanded some decks as well as stripped, cleaned and brightened. I have been using the line of products from Penofin for over 15 years. http://www.penofin.com/products_wood_stripper.shtml Here is a pic of my 12 year deck (its 15 now) refinished with these penofin products
    comment photo
  • We have used the restore product a few times on flip houses to save money on replacing the worn out deck. It's super thick but it takes a ton of product to do the average deck. It's still cheaper than replacing the deck boards. You can get the product at Lowes or Home Depot. I can't tell you how well it will hold up though.
  • There is one other product however I have not found the link yet to it. Its vinyl strips that are curved on the edges to go around the sides of the existing deck boards. It is adhesive applied, resists heat build up and works from what I have read in the past pretty good. It comes in rolls that are cut to size of the boards. Hang in there I will find the link and post it when I do.
  • Lynn M Lynn M on Mar 04, 2012
    I have used the marine sealant - it is used on boats and really lasts. You may have to sand the cracking first and deck wash.
  • Louise Louise on Mar 09, 2012
    I kept putting off sealing my deck after it was built maybe 10 yrs ago. Should I use this Restore or can I just clean it well and then seal it? The deck is still in good condition but has that weathered color so a good cleaning is a certain necessity.
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Mar 10, 2012
    Louise...check out these products from Penofin...they are great at bringing old decks back to life...I have been using them for about 15 years. http://www.penofin.com/products_woodprep.shtml
  • Peace Painting Co., Inc. Peace Painting Co., Inc. on Mar 10, 2012
    That's the issue with our decks, they are high maintanance and we rarely keep them up. The more the boards are cracked, cupped, etc, the more you need a product like Restore. It is a 10+ year product and will initially cost more to put down. But if the deck is still in decent shape and you want keep it maintained, penefin is a super product. Best, Charles
  • Designs by BSB Designs by BSB on Apr 01, 2012
    Glad I did a search before posting the same question! My husband wants to try to the RESTORE also - I will post back the results!
  • Peace Painting Co., Inc. Peace Painting Co., Inc. on Apr 01, 2012
    BSB, mention to him to apply it liberally (50-60 sq ft/gal) both coats for the best look. It's not mentioned, there is a learning curve with these products. It's similar to applying stucco (-: The first time is the hardest. And don't put in on in the sun. Best, Charles
  • Designs by BSB Designs by BSB on Apr 01, 2012
    Thanks Charles!
  • LandlightS LandlightS on Apr 01, 2012
    I too am going the the process of prepping our deck for Restore. If you have to replace any deck board, use ONLY kiln dried pt wood or you will have to wait 6 month for the wood to dry. That advice comes from the Restore people. Also, use the honeycomb roller that is supplied with the product.
  • Peace Painting Co., Inc. Peace Painting Co., Inc. on Apr 01, 2012
    The 6 mos is a disclaimer. It comes in variable wetnesses with no formula for drying, but it's less than 6 mos.. With PT decking you can tell by look and feel. Still, happy painting! Some feedback would be nice to see how it went. You're welcome Becky Sue.
  • Terri J Terri J on Apr 02, 2012
    Cold weather again gave me a chance to read more about Restore, which I have bought. I have before photo's and will take the after ones too. Just going to wait for steady and warmer weather to apply it.
  • Diana Deiley Diana Deiley on Feb 23, 2016
    Be sure to purchase the special roller used in applying Restore so that you get the best coverage. And be safe, replace seriously damaged boards first. Best of luck.