Does anyone have a recommendation for an exterior painter in Phoenix. Our rental house needs some TLC -

Donna McCrummen
by Donna McCrummen
Is it too hot by May to paint the exterior?
  9 answers
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on Mar 04, 2012
    Homework Remodels is in Phoenix. I shared this with him. Maybe he has a recommendation.
  • I would be happy to recommend a quality associate of mine. You can contact Donny Fargo of Fargo Painting at (623) 869-7271. I know Donny from the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) Donny is our Vice President this year. NARI members follow the highest standard of ethics. Fargo Painting is a great example of NARI's quality contractors. Donny's company does all the painting for both my remodeling companies. I would recommend his company highly. We paint home exteriors all year long in Phoenix. We just start earlier in the summer. Let me know if I can help with any other recommendations or advice.
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  • Fargo Painting Fargo Painting on Mar 15, 2012
    Thanks for the recommendation Steve. We would love to help you with your painting needs in Phoenix. Kind Regards, Donny Fargo, Owner/President Fargo Painting
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  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on Mar 16, 2012
    Welcome to Hometalk, Fargo Painting!
  • Welcome to HomeTalk, Donny!
  • Fargo Painting Fargo Painting on Mar 16, 2012
    In general, painters can operate year-round in Phoenix,AZ. However, June, July and August present challanges. 1. Mid to late summer usually will have the presence of monsoon storms. 2. Also, these months will create a very hot substrate (surface), which won't stop the painting, but I would recommend avoiding this scenario if you have that option. If the ambient temperature is 105*, then the surface temp could be 140*+? To answer the question 'Is it too hot to paint an exterior in May?' . . . May and September will also fall into this category, but once in a while Mother Nature will change her mind. Maybe not worth the risk. Donny Fargo
  • Donna McCrummen Donna McCrummen on Mar 16, 2012
    Thanks Donny, I sent you my tenants phone number - will you get us an estimate?
  • Did this ever get done? I have a good client who had his rental house redone inside and out in Phoenix for a bargain basement price and got a great job. Happy to send his contact info
  • HandyAndy, i started out in business as a handy man. Like you, I thought that many contractors charged too much. I have always tried t give my clients fair prices for quality pricing. My pricing in the early days was great, thankfully it didn't put me out of business! Phoenix is full of people representing themselves as contractors when what they are are individuals looking for their next paycheck. Some of them have contractor licenses, some don't. Sometimes things work out, sometimes they don't with their work. I am not saying that any of these workers mean to fall short. The reality is that our industry has a very high failure rate. The failure rate has nothing to do with ability to do good work. It is all about business knowledge. Most quality craftsmen who don't charge enough will ultimately find themselves behind the eight ball and fail. One of the most repeated horror stories about our industry is about the "contractor" who takes money and disappears. Most of these "contractors" were good men or women who felt that as long as they have work they are doing well, and doing right by their customers. Most of them were working steady the day they ran out of money in the middle of multiple homeowners projects. Most homeowners who loose out in this situation think the "contractor" was crooked, the truth is that they were great craftsmen and poor businessmen. My word of warning is to be ware of the great price!