So What Do You Think?

I have a neat garden stool that I have used both inside and outside, so now I am trying to decide where to put it. Maybe in the bathroom or back outside - -
  5 answers
  • Gail Salminen Gail Salminen on May 22, 2013
    Hi @Marty O I have two of these stools, except mine are all black. I use them as end tables in the spare office/room and in the summer I bring them out to the deck as extra stools/tables. Works great. I wish I had bought the more colourful ones and then I would use them in the garden too. Could be neat with a colourful pot of annuals sitting on it. Thanks for posing the question :)
  • Evelyn McMullen Evelyn McMullen on May 22, 2013
    I'll take it! Have my four on teahouse deck.
    comment photo
  • @Marty O I like it outside! Looks like you already have a nice area on your tub surround for a towel and a cup of tea :) It looks wonderful on your porch and will be perfect for reading time with lemonade this summer! xo
  • TJ TJ on Aug 11, 2013
    yep, On the porch looks good. goes with your other pot colors.
  • Carole Carole on Aug 12, 2013
    I think it looks best outside on the porch.