Where can you purchase Lakeview Jasmine plants in Fl?

Charlynn B
by Charlynn B
  15 answers
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Apr 28, 2012
    Charlynn, I doubt that you can. It is a host plant for an insect known as the citrus psyllid, which carries the bacterium that causes a disease known as citrus greening, a very serious problem in our state. Because of this Lakeview jasmine, which is actually in the citrus family, cannot be sold unless it is grown in a quarantined shelter, which is prohibitive for most growers. I've only seen one plant in a nursery in the last two years.
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    • Patricia DiCampli Patricia DiCampli on Jul 30, 2021

      Southwest Florida's larger nurseries will soon be selling this lovely and desirable plant currently in a 3G bush size. It will soon be seen in the southeast nurseries and some in central and even some into a little north stores. The box stores will soon follow. Record Buck Farms has been granted the rights to sell this amazing plant as the are the largest container grown citrus nursery in the state of Florida. They have over 50 acres of covered and quarantined area. They are currently growing them in a 3 gallon size. They were taken off the market over 16 years ago. The plant, they have realized, does not carry the dreaded "greening," but, they can get psyllids so control is needed.

  • Walter Reeves Walter Reeves on Apr 29, 2012
    Great post Douglas...I never would have known!
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Apr 30, 2012
    It's a pity because it is otherwise such a great plant.
  • Sandy P Sandy P on Apr 25, 2015
    I see that these posts are from a couple years ago. We bought a Lakeview Jasmine in 2006 in a small greenhouse type of store in southern Wisconsin. Of course we had to keep it inside during the winter but no complaints because when it bloomed there was nothing like that smell to come home to. We moved to Arizona in 2012 and by that time the plant was at least 6 ft tall and 4 ft wide. We liked it because it was not viney, just a tree type plant. We didn't have the means to move it and now I wish we would have tired harder especially if you are saying we can't get it anywhere. Any suggestions to a similar type fragrant plant that isn't viney?
  • Jason Knapp Jason Knapp on Jun 14, 2017

    I was walking past a neighbor's yard and picked up its scent. Didn't know what is was so I went to the bush, broke off a sample and took to a local nursery which identified it. The way they described the issue was that it was thought to be a culprit of the citrus tree canker disease in Florida and product was no longer available. But I guess sometime recently it was determined not to be a cause.

    Many places are still not carrying it and even if you can find it, it has to be quarantined. But that's only because the information about its non-involvement has been slow to get out, particularity in an automated sense. I would imagine once the industry catches up you'll be able to find it in more places.

  • MaMa K MaMa K on Jun 14, 2019

    Has the word gotten out in Florida yet that this plant is not a threat to the orange groves?

  • Jeff Seehof Jeff Seehof on Sep 19, 2019

    I have 17 Lakeview Jasmine for sale. I have them trimmed as a hedge and they are around 15 years old. We are located in Palm Beach Gardens Florida.

  • J Brown J Brown on Sep 20, 2019

    We live near Cocoa Beach, FL and have one in our front yard but always "known" it as Orange jasmine, it smells just like orange blossoms. It does drop red seeds but I have never noticed any seedlings coming up on their own.

    I had read some time ago that "they suspected" they may have been involved in the citrus canker, who knows. I have heard lots of other "interesting" stories from old time grove owners about their suspicions.

  • C Michael Vance C Michael Vance on Oct 27, 2019

    it was an unjustly banned just because it posed a threat to florida's citrus industry. this is a great plant easily trimmed to create a standard patio tree

  • Carol Angell Sultenfuss Carol Angell Sultenfuss on Jan 21, 2020

    I'm looking for Lakeview Jasmine. Do you have any plants?

  • Suzieqqqqq Suzieqqqqq on Feb 22, 2020

    I am also looking for the plant; I’m located in Key West.

  • Jeff Seehof Jeff Seehof on Mar 07, 2020

    I have 18 Lakeview Jasmines groomed as a hedge. These are mature healthy plants. Would like to sell them all if possible. You'll need to remove. $125.00 each.

    comment photo
    • Htinev Htinev on Apr 14, 2021

      Hi Jeff,

      Are you still selling these? I am in Palm Beach Gardens and interested in buying one or two.

  • Jennifer Stewart Jennifer Stewart on May 09, 2020

    Would anyone be willing to mail some seeds.... I am near Ocala, Fl.

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    • Janice Janice on May 23, 2022

      I tried to get the seeds before they fell off and couldn't do it at the right time. They are red first, then turn black and that is when you can get them. I have a Lakeview Jasmine tree and Lakeview Jasmine bush that is taller than the roof on my house. I wanted to graft some branches for trees.

  • Steve Steve on May 12, 2020

    i have these coming up on their own all over the place

  • Rjk50724595 Rjk50724595 on Feb 25, 2021

    We would love a lake view jasmine tree, can you help?