Asked on Sep 04, 2016

Best ways to fold bedding?

Kate Callen
by Kate Callen
I organised our sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers over the weekend, finding them stuffed into all sorts of random cupboards (six in two rooms!) thanks to assorted helpers over the past few weeks.
I decided that trying to keep sets together simply hasn't worked for us. With little kids who have accidents and love to pull their sheets off to play with, elements of the sets get changed and thus washed at different times, so I think being able to easily choose something that coordinates will be good, when a match is not available.
Apologies for the poor quality pictures, but you can see how I've split them. Next stage is to (iron and) refold everything to fit better. Do you think using a folding form cut to fit the drawer (for the pillowcases) and cupboards would help? Any other suggestions?
Here are the pillowcases. There is actually some unused space in the middle at the back so if I refold them all one third the width of the drawer everything should fit.
And these are the *very* roughly folded duvet covers, (left piles) mattress protectors (in the middle) and sheets (on the right). For the double bed on the top shelf (bulkier but fewer) and for the single beds below.
  7 answers
  • Elaine Elaine on Sep 04, 2016
    Fold the sheets lengthwise twice, then roll them up. They fit better and are easier to see.
  • Lisa Lisa on Sep 04, 2016
    Not sure this would work for you, but what I do is take the fitted sheet, the flat sheet, and however many pillow cases you need and put them inside a matching pillow case and you have a neat square...This way they are all the same size and do not come unfolded...If you have extras that don't make sets, I put them on another shelf for use for accidents or kids playing...Hope this helps.
  • Judy Judy on Sep 04, 2016
    I use the zip-up bags that you get when you buy sheet sets, etc. I put complete sets (top, fitted and matching pillow cases) in the bags and stack by size. Odd sheets get sorted by being fitted or flat and size and then stack all the odd flats in one bag, odd pillowcases in another bag, etc. Label in case the pile gets flipped.
  • B. Enne B. Enne on Sep 04, 2016
    Like @Lisa said this is what I have always done. See video.
  • Erica Melhuish Erica Melhuish on Sep 05, 2016
    I fold my sheets small enough to place both sheets and one of the pillow cases into the other pillow case.That way the set is completely together
    • Oli6334079 Oli6334079 on Sep 06, 2016
      what a great idea Erica. Saves all that rooting in the hotpress to locate all the matching pieces when changing bedclothes. Thank you for sharing that. Cant wait for tomorrow to tidy up my hotpress/airing cupboard. Olive G., Dublin.
  • Kate Callen Kate Callen on Sep 05, 2016
    I refolded or rolled everything, and it all fits better, even with additional bedding from the wash.
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  • Rynn Rynn on Sep 06, 2016
    Here is an idea I am going to try on a bunch of stored comforters. I bought a pack of LARGE bands ( cheap- maybe $3 for a large pack) used to hold on trash can liners, and i am going to roll up the laundered comforters and slip a band or two around them to keep them tightly rolled like a sleeping bag.