Help me decorate my boys' room

by Inga
I have 2 sons who share a room. I would love to figure out how to decorate this. One loves world geography, Hot Wheels and red. The other loves Legos and blue. I have a limited budget but I'd still like to make it a place they love. I've moved most of their toys to the guest bedroom. Any ideas?
Need help with color choices, organization and layout.
  15 answers
  • Samanthakoutny Samanthakoutny on Oct 03, 2016
    try chalkboard wall decor where he can decorate his own drawings on wall. my son loves maps and the color red as well...for his bedspread i made it a patriotic red white blue comforter and sheets to be neutral to everything else.
  • ML ML on Oct 03, 2016
    My boys were together in one room and it was red and blue with legos and hotwheels lol. Since most of their toys are in another room, this should be simple and inexpensive! I made curtains with a small print, navy blue/red plaid material. It happened I found inexpensive twin sized quilts at JC Penny which had some of the same material in them! I had a sturdy 4x6' area rug from Home depot that had roads on it for using Matchbox cars. My brother-in-law made a simple table (14x26") painted blue and adhered two red 12" square plastic lego mats to it so they could build with their legos right on the table top. :)
  • Johnchip Johnchip on Oct 03, 2016
    To encourage creativity, keep simple, avoid ready made design elements, ( car bedspread, big wall sculptures)..ok maybe a little.. these things create 'closed visual thinking spaces' keep spaces creatively open, fluid and changeable. Solid colors, but don't go with too much deep enriched colors, try to find mid-tones. Age makes a difference. 1-5 stick mostly to primary colors: red, yellow, blue. 5-10 you can add secondary colors: green, violet, orange. I like the idea of chalk paint areas for them to draw or hang things on. Make it their space to keep changing with and grow up in, not be 'stuck in a one time image schema. The ide od patterns imges should chnge as they continue to grow their thinking and not be stuck with one image they had last year when their minds are moving into new thoughts and shapes and patterns.
  • Ronald Maria Irving Ronald Maria Irving on Oct 04, 2016
    My boys shared a room for years and almost everything they owned was colour coded with red or blue. I would give one a red comforter or duvet cover which is much less expensive and you can cover their existing blankets and the other a blue one. I also painted the British flag on their ceiling which has a simple design (is red and blue) and is an unexpected feature. I also painted the walls blue with a thick red and stripe about a quarter of the way down the wall with a thin white stripe under that. Paint is the most effective way to get the most impact on a budget. Also, use posters to cover the themes they like the most (Hotwheels, Lego, Maps, etc) they are inexpensive and can be changed out as their interests change. The last thing I did was to purchase inexpensive pantry cupboards from Wal-Mart (about $30 a cupboard) in black--they offer great storage and they look like lockers when lined up beside each other on the wall. Very cool for boys. My kids are teens now and don't share a room anymore, but this worked well for the hockey fan and his brother. Good luck.
  • Peggy Peggy on Oct 04, 2016
    I cannot take credit for this idea, but this pic had just popped up on my Facebook page and thought it was a fabulous idea for two children sharing a room. This is for girls, of course, but you could easily adapt it to boys. Paint the entire room a medium blue, put the shelves down the center (I would stabilize them them some how so they cannot be pushed over). Then decorate each side to suit each of your sons. I would just keep your blinds on the window and frame them out with paint about 6" - 8" in a complimentary color. Go to to see her video.
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  • Leslie B Leslie B on Oct 04, 2016
    Our two sons had to share a room, too 7 years diff in age. when we built the home, we had a short wall put in so they were separated a bit. two closets. son that was neat and tidy, his part was viewed from the hall. The older who was a tad of a slob was on the other no one could view. They shared the phone and TV and NO lock on the door. Each then got to decro their space as they liked. We kept the wall after older moved away..and that side was a play room, study room part of the bedroom. Just sharing our solution..
  • Alice Alice on Oct 04, 2016
    if you can't/don't want to make radical changes - do large headboards painted in their favorite colors - use cork board in the middle and let them decorate with the Legos and Hot Wheels as they wish
  • Elaine Elaine on Oct 04, 2016
    Since red and blue go so well together, I would do the room in a nautical type decor but then have shelves for each boy where he can display a few of his favorite things. Store the rest of their possessions in white painted (perhaps wicker) boxes at the foot of each bed if there's room. Another thought would be to paint one wall blue and one, red. There are TONS of ideas on Google - just type in: "decor ideas for shared rooms". Many show a shared room for a boy and girl but you can substitute the girly pink for red - in your mind - when looking at the ideas.
  • Elaine Elaine on Oct 04, 2016
    I hope these photos come through okay.
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  • Stephanie Rozmarich Stephanie Rozmarich on Oct 04, 2016
    I would look on Pinterest, there are always tons of great ideas.
  • Sarah A. Victory Sarah A. Victory on Oct 04, 2016
    I love the photos Elaine from Canada provided. I would start w/the paint and their different interests and the colors they love. The boys might love it more if they could participate some.
  • Pat Ruge Pat Ruge on Oct 04, 2016
    First, pick a theme that would be of interest to both boys. Could be sports, Star Wars, comics, boats, lego, favorite tv shows or books, etc. Once you have a theme, your finds that fit in this theme will more or less dictate what colors you use. Pull your colors from the accessories and most important, get the kids involved. Ask them, "Out of this cartoon, what color do you like the best?"
  • IFortuna IFortuna on Oct 04, 2016
    There is so much you can do with paint. The boys might be able to add their own touches which would be great. ==== I see a map on the wall and maybe a wall of maps pasted like wall paper would look really great. ====Interactive maps covered with a vinyl and washable pens used to map out historic routes or routes they would like to take in the world. They could study the history of their destinations and even do this with local maps taking special care to mark places of interest that the family might like to explore. ====You could also do this with sports teams or any sport if they are into sports. If they are into climbing sports, Everest for instance could be a focal point. : )
  • Polly Zieper Polly Zieper on Oct 07, 2016
    I don't think you have to find a theme or color they both like. Blue and red go togdther. why not put a twin bed on opposite walls, and decorate each side of the room according to each boy's tastes/hobbies, then you could use curtains or a rug that have red and blue to unify the room. Post a photo when you decide:)
  • Deanna Nassar Deanna Nassar on Oct 08, 2016
    Divide it in half. A strip of frog or painter's tape down the middle. Stick to lighter shades of red and blue. Red get a world map and a place to put his hot wheels on display. Blue gets lego posters and a table for his lego building and a place to keep them when not in use. I've seen 2 & 3 drawer plastic storage containers at Wal-Mart might be short enough to go under the table.