My roof has been leaking and molded in a closet.

by Carol
How do I clean the mold off and be safe?
  5 answers
  • Gloria Duy Gloria Duy on Nov 24, 2013
    For a natural remedy go to a health store and by clove oil. You mix it with water and spray the area. You just leave it on and come back later. It kills the mold dead. Bleach is only temporary, it will come back.
    • Carol Carol on Nov 24, 2013
      @Gloria Duy Thank you so much Gloria, I have not heard of this treatment but will certainly try it. I like that it is natural. This is the first time I have ever had a roof leak. It is in a closet and I did not notice it til now and there is black mold. Thank you again.
  • Janet Harden Janet Harden on Nov 26, 2013
    tea tree oil and hydrogen peroxide will do the trick too.
    • Carol Carol on Nov 26, 2013
      @Janet Harden Thank you Janet, I appreciate the info. You are so kind to respond to my question.
  • White Oak Studio Designs White Oak Studio Designs on Jun 22, 2015
    We had a lot of high ground water around our home for months at a time between 2009-2012. we pumped out of crawl space day and night for months. We had mold/mildew on our guest room wall and in our bedroom closet too. We removed everything in the closet, used fans to dry it out (left the fan on many days and nights to be sure.) The we removed the mold using Shaklee's Basic G (this kills mold dead!) . Then we re-primed with BIM 123 water-based primer/sealer. Then I repainted using a mold reducer in the paint. Not one bit of mold came back. We also reorganized our closet, move or gave away things we were not using so we had more airflow than before which helped with the airflow/mold issues too. We also had our gutters checked out/repositioned and our roof re-shingled to make sure that those were not leaking as well.
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  • White Oak Studio Designs White Oak Studio Designs on Jun 22, 2015
    Be aware that bleach is toxic too. I did not want any more toxins in my home as I was already having very severe upper respertory issues in my home so I avoided that. Basic G is organic not toxic.
  • Sherrie Sherrie on Jun 22, 2015
    A mask first of all, and bleach. Then you will need to seal it or when you paint it the stain will keep showing through. Use lacquer to seal it several coats. And yes use bleach you need to kill the spores. They are more deadly then bleach is after it dries then several coats of lacquer. Then paint. Why the mask? Mold makes you sick, it's not what's on the wall it is in the dust. If it is really bad mold you will notice white dust. That's the part that really makes you sick.