How can I repurpose an old microwave?

by How9851491
Any ideas of how I can reuse a microwave oven that no longer works? Would love some creative ideas!
  13 answers
  • Wal13132785 Wal13132785 on Jan 09, 2017

    You could use it for a bread box & use contact paper to brighten it up if you wanted to.

  • Deb Deb on Jan 09, 2017

    Make a Little Library out of it.

  • Teri Campisi Teri Campisi on Jan 10, 2017

    You can use it as a Fairaday box! Put your cell phones, tablets, etc. in it in case of an EMP( electronic magnetic pulse)! It won't get fried then. It would still work when you got electricity back.

  • Haysha S. Haysha S. on Jan 10, 2017

    If you like to bake, or experiment in the kitchen, you can use it as a proofing box and figure out a way to control the temperature and humidity in it.

  • How9851491 How9851491 on Jan 10, 2017

    Great idea....

  • How9851491 How9851491 on Jan 10, 2017

    Great idea...thank you

  • How9851491 How9851491 on Jan 10, 2017

    Not sure what a proofing box is....the microwave doesn't work .

    • Corinne Potter Corinne Potter on Jul 18, 2020

      Proofing box is for raising dough or incubating yogurt. No need for heat source. Just protecting from draft to keep temperature evenly moderate.

  • How9851491 How9851491 on Jan 10, 2017


  • Kelly R McRainey Kelly R McRainey on Feb 26, 2019

    Wrap rope around it or fabric. Put padding on top. Use it as a head duty foot rest.

  • Kelly R McRainey Kelly R McRainey on Feb 26, 2019

    comment photo
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jul 17, 2023

    Remove power supply in total and just use as a drink station or any other small cupboard use - Cat food?

  • Mogie Mogie on Aug 12, 2023

    Bread Box

    One of the spectacular yet surprising repurposing idea for your microwave oven is to convert it into a bread box. This is a warm place where you keep your bread if you don’t want the harsh coolness that might result from keeping your bread in a fridge.

    This new appliance can be positioned anywhere in the kitchen. In fact, it can serve as a stand for the new microwave oven. Ensure to clean and air it out regularly to prevent mold.


    If you are the creative type with books always lying around, you could repurpose your old toaster oven into your very own fancy library. To make it look more alive, you could repaint the outside. Ensure that it is clean and dry before placing any books inside it.

    If the books don’t contain the inside of your new library, you can neatly arrange the taller books on the top.

    Displaying Rare Items

    Old microwave oven can also serve the purpose of displaying rare items such as rare action figures, models and even antiquities. Repurpose your old microwave oven to suit this by engineering the lighting or glass plate to work without the heat.

    This can be done by any electrical engineer. Refrain from doing this on your own if you are not experienced in the field of engineering.

  • If it doesn't work, you can cut the cord off, decoupage the front and use it as a decorative cabinet.