What are your best closet organization tips?

  7 answers
  • Haysha S. Haysha S. on Jan 15, 2017

    I wish I could help you ! The one thing that I do that makes things a bit easier , is I pack away things from the off seasons, so I have more room in my closet to organize the current season's clothes.

  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Jan 15, 2017

    I'm partial to color coordinating- makes everything easily find able, and its so pretty!!

    comment photo
  • Cori Widen Cori Widen on Jan 15, 2017

    We built extra shelves up very high in our closet - we need step stools to reach them and that's where we keep out of season clothes that we won't really touch for months at a time anyway!

  • Beu11875210 Beu11875210 on Jan 18, 2017

    colors together, hangers facing the same way, long sleeves and short sleeves separated,

  • OhSally OhSally on Jan 20, 2017

    First, go through each and every piece in your closet and determine whether it's a donate or a maybe. Donate the donate-ables right away. Then, get or make some paper tags and a calendar. Number the tags. Tie a numbered tag to the hanger of every one of the "maybes" in your closet. Attach tags with safety pins to "maybes" that are folded on a shelf instead of hung on a hanger. Next, on the calendar, (keep the calendar hung in your closet or on the inside of your closet door) pre-plan your wardrobe by putting an outfit together from your maybes. Then, set a "must wear" date for each of the tagged items in your closet.

    For example, those khaki pants you bought on sale but haven't worn because you're not sure whether the pleats in the front are right for you...let's say you tagged them #7. That orange sweater you loved in the store, but haven't worn because now you think it's a bit too bright for your comfort... say you tagged it #14. You discover they look great with your favorite olive drab t-shirt. SO...write olive drab t-shirt, # 7 and #14 on a specific date on your calendar. Then, when that date comes up, WEAR THAT COMBINATION. It's just one day, and will give you the opportunity to decide whether the pieces are keepers or discards. If you find you love the sweater, but those pleated pants are just too much for your comfort, keep the sweater and donate the pants.

    The point is that unless you actually wear those maybes, you're never going to know whether they are keepers or merely space fillers in your closet. Your closet will be filled with things you actually do wear, and somebody else's closet will be filled with your donated items. Mornings are usually busy times for us all. We just want to get out the door, so we're less likely to pick a "maybe" and give it a wear. Having your wardrobe pre-planned allows you to get ready to go quickly and gets those maybes on your body for a day's try out. It'll be a whole lot easier donating those khaki pants once you've worn them and felt "off" in them. Cute on the store rack or in your closet is one thing, but cute on your body is a whole other journey! Good luck!

  • Dl.5660408 Dl.5660408 on Jan 20, 2017

    when I buy something new, something old has to go. I've found I don't need nearly as many clothes as I had

  • Eroque022810 Eroque022810 on Jan 26, 2017

    I already did most of that. We have been in this place almost a year yet I still have 3 containers on floor. The wall space is very similar if not identical. It's a walk in and my H doesn't have much, I do. So I haves everywhere,yet in donated and threw away a lot once here. So at previous home had a closet here its a walk in with space and yet things don't fit.?