What can I do with these extra Newspapers- project ideas???I

Hillela G.
by Hillela G.
I was gifted a year's worth of New Yorker magazines. They have some really fun graphics. There must be a fun project I can use them for but I'm drawing a blank...any ideas?
  18 answers
  • Adele Adele on Feb 07, 2017

    Get some very inexpensive picture frames from your dollar store. Paint them any color you choose. Cut out the ones from the magazines you think are cute. Place them going up your stairs. Hang them in your entryway. Change them out about every two or three months. Or place them on a blank wall. These will entertain any company you have. And the family will enjoy them also.

    Once there are no more pictures to cut out, toss the magazine. They have served their purpose. Less clutter.

  • Mary Mary on Feb 07, 2017

    First if you have read them, passing them along to a doctors or dentist office is a good place. Then there is paper art. You roll up the pages to make crafty things. There are tons of web site where people roll the pages of old books or magazines. Some people fold the pages to make xmas trees or door stops .

  • Larry shriver Larry shriver on Feb 07, 2017

    Decoupage the prettiest pictures and most interesting articles.............and then you might hang some of them on your walls.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Feb 07, 2017


  • MN Mom MN Mom on Feb 07, 2017

    Didn't you just post a magazine holder idea? Store those you'd like to save or read and doNate the the rest to a local school district art department for them to use in mixed media artworks.

  • Paula Hodges Paula Hodges on Feb 08, 2017

    those would look amazing decoupaged onto a patio table... Finish it off with marine varnish so it can take the outdoor weather. Get ready for a million compliments

  • Sue17686106 Sue17686106 on Feb 09, 2017

    Put them in the recycle bin, did you get them from a horder?

  • Njbjrb Njbjrb on Feb 09, 2017

    I have done this following idea. Cut out colors from the pictures into various sizes and shapes, from your magazines. Cut them in sizes that would go around the wooden part of picture frames. You can group the cutouts by color if you like. I would suggest you put each color in a folder for future use.

    Now ready to create:

    You can buy frames new, pick up at yard sales, use what you have, freecycle for some, etc. Remove the glass from your frame and set aside for now.

    Get some Elmers glue or some wood glue, or even a glue stick. Glue the scraps of color onto the frame, making sure to not have any hanging off edges. When you are done filling the frame edges with the colors from the pictures you cut out from the magazine, you may wish to spray them with a clear sealer. You can find this in most dollar stores for a few bucks. Let dry .

    Get your photo, or whatever you wish to put into your frame. Put glass back in, put in photo, and frame,

    You have a very cute, Free or inexpensive frame. Great ideas, I used plaid scraps of cut out magazine paper and put my Dad's photo into frame. I used scraps of pretty flowers and put my Grandaughter's pic into this frame. Black and white scraps make a wonderful statement. Color combinations are endless. Use your imagination

    Happy Frame creating

  • Borei Design Borei Design on Feb 10, 2017

    Hi Hillela,

    I'm an AVID upcycler, paper is one of my favorite mediums and I would LOVE to have these. I have lots of ideas on my blog using newspaper and books and you could definitely use these for most of them. I have a whole subdomain on my site that's dedicated to upcycled paper crafts. You are welcome to check it out if you would like and have fun!


    Holly Borei

    Borei Design


  • Sal3170064 Sal3170064 on Feb 10, 2017

    Use them as a outline for sewing. Chose a picture you like and some material. Put picture on the material and then machine around outlines. Tear away picture and you will have a unique outline of the picture underneath . You can leave it like this or you can add scraps of other fabric to build a scrap fabric picture . Just machine around the added fabric.

    You can also stick a page from a magazine, on to a backing card, then add other pictures cut out from other pages, so you are building a collage .

    Or use the pages as a template for applica. For example if there are large pictures of birds and you want to make a picture of a bird out of material, then use the magazine page as a template. Cut out bird, use this to cut base fabric, then trace different parts to cut out the different layers of fabric you need, then add fusable interfacing to the backs of each. Then hand or machine around the bird.

  • Cheryl Markus Reynolds Cheryl Markus Reynolds on Feb 10, 2017

    Start by cutting out some of your favorites. Purchase a 2' by 3' Styrofoam sheet from your favorite craft store. Cut the styrofoam to the size that you want or need. Decoupage the pictures collage style onto the styrofoam. You can frame them or leave them unframed and because they're so lightweight, they can be hung anywhere very easily.

  • 2675463 2675463 on Feb 11, 2017

    Make paper beads. Check YouTube for tutorials.

  • Char Ryan Char Ryan on Feb 14, 2017

    Pinterest has examples and templates to copy for different shapes of paper beads.


    Chandler, AZ

  • Danielle Whatsittoyou Danielle Whatsittoyou on Feb 17, 2017

    A lot of pre-K, elementary or possibly church schools would use these for art projects. You could contact places in your area to see if there would be interest. Also, the paper bead ideas are great!

  • Mcgypsy9 Mcgypsy9 on Apr 25, 2018

    I just found the cutest thing you could do with these. She took maps and made flowers out of them and then water colored the tips. Sooo pretty!


  • Emily Emily on Apr 25, 2018

    Hi Hillela, Are you referring to the cute cartoons? I would not spend too much money on using these, nor think that they all have to be used at once. I would go through the magazines, take out appealing images and then toss the magazines. I see them as a run or a border for something else. If you have a long hall you could glue them onto a piece of something; either colored construction paper or any kind of paper, allow enough room for a border look, on top of and bottom of and sides or conversely butt them up to each other and have your base the same size as the paper. I have two display areas near my computer, one is two bulletin boards in the corner and the other is wood lattice work. I just stick appealing images in these but with the same sort of imagery (in this case, cartoons) I would use a pattern. You could also make a border to surround either one framed work or a grouping. You could frame a doorway or glue them to the end of a bookcase

    comment photo
    comment photo
  • Frame some of the pictures and create an interesting gallery wall.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Jan 25, 2024

    Donate them for school projects, children would have the opportunity to improve motor skills, making theme projects...