Help,did I buy the wrong color living room rug,furniture?

by Sandraapostoles
Costly light,powdery blue rug, one cream color chair,stripe cream,taupe,color settee and a taupe recliner.How can I make it come together?My walls are light gray.We thought the rug was more a want white end tables Our recliner will come in two weeks so it's not in picture.Also I want to still keep white sheers.Trying for the coastal look in Western MA
My husband thinks I'm satisfied..oh please help..sad
Thank you Can't wait for your idea 😊
  30 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Feb 15, 2017

    Take a look at these decorating ideas,I think you can make it work with some pillows,pictures and accessories to tie the room together. Gook Luck.

  • Johnchip Johnchip on Feb 15, 2017

    Without seeing the picture, I think your solution wil be a simple one. You picked out what 'feels' right. It will be then. All you need to do is accent them with a coordinating color/texture with throws, lamps, ..a shade darker than the base color scheme, or that 'one other' color you did not use (yellow, red, deep blue sea?). You bought a theme of colors that you know in your gut' are right. Now enjoy 'stiching them together'.

  • D roach D roach on Feb 15, 2017

    you need an accent colour, something bright to draw the eye, As you have blue already in the room, I would go for a bright blue.

  • Touchedpainter Touchedpainter on Feb 15, 2017

    It looks like you are using to many colors. The rule of thumb is 3 colors. The base color, the trim color, and an accent color. Work around just your 3 colors. Also it looks like you are trying to make everything the focal point in the room. The walls are not meant to be seen, they are strictly the background ambiance to make everything else in the room stand out. Sounds like rug is actually carpeting & is permanent. Google for colorwheel, unless you have one. Find the closest color to the rug. To choose the other 2 colors make an equal 3 part pie chart. Point 1 line at the rug color on the chart. The other 2 lines are pointing at the best 2 other colors to best accent the carpet color. You have a lot of beige's, so if you look straight across the color wheel that makes the best color family to go with that rug color.

  • Patty Morgan Patty Morgan on Feb 15, 2017

    The palette is a classic. Everything doesn't have to match. Different values in a color really works too. I agree wirh comment above. You will just know by the feeling. If you like a cosy look add pillows and a throw. I would recommend a light on the table. Enjoy

  • Cher Cher on Feb 15, 2017

    Just some quick ideas as I look at your picture. I would hang the painting centered on the wall it's already on, maybe a couple inches lower. The wheel can hang on the opposite wall right across from it. Just center it using the frame as reference for the height, middle of frame (if that makes any sense at It looks as if the table may be a canoe? Seems to me that would be a great coffee table. Which would free up that corner for the white end tables that you want. And YES, a lamp on a table would be nice. :) Then just browse throw pillows, lamp shades, etc. for the accent color you want. I would go with a blue. Use decorations that are from the coast (i e. Seashells, white bar wood, maybe even some glass vases filled with sand, driftwood and water with a floating candle on top. The world is your oyster! Play with it and have fun. You're doing fine, so're at the coast.;)

    • Alice Elaine Lord Alice Elaine Lord on Feb 18, 2017

      Yes and without measuring the center of height of the painting it looks a bit high. The eyes should hit the middle of the painting for all heights of people so an average. I think it's 62".

  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Feb 16, 2017

    I really like how the furniture looks with the rug! I'm not a fan of toooo matchy-matchy!

  • Libby Libby on Feb 16, 2017

    A green plant around 4-5' tall(?) back there would be lovely. Good ideas with using accents for color, like a throw. Like idea of centering picture and mirror on opposite wall.

    Plants, live or faux, add a lot of life

  • Moon12315 Moon12315 on Feb 17, 2017

    You could also add light colored bamboo shades to add a bit of texture and lighten up the room a bit. As for the rest, I agree with what has been said. A a coastal themed table lamp (maybe one that is wrapped in ropes) or a turquoise colored one, could work, as well as coastal themed decorations and accent pillows.

    • Sylvia Candler Sylvia Candler on Mar 25, 2017

      If it were me I'd add a lamp with a glass base filled with sea shells for a coastal feel and it would lighten up the space with the color of the shells and of course, the light.

  • Cheryl Cheryl on Feb 17, 2017

    There are many great ideas already said here. I think you are on the right track. I am a decorator. You can leave as is and just add coastal accessories, or if you really want to lighten it up you can repaint the walls. If you repaint I would go with a light coastal blue or a beach sand color staying along the lines of the chair you have. Yes, center the picture. Then add coastal accessories.

  • Holly Holly on Feb 17, 2017

    Paintings in dark navel and greys and maybe a contrasting area carpet. I love area carpets on top of wall to wall!

  • Kimberly Kimberly on Feb 18, 2017

    As a non-professional but a lover of comfy places and moods, I like what you've got here.

  • Terra Gazelle Terra Gazelle on Feb 18, 2017

    Use accent pieces with the same colors..such as pillows and cushions..may be drapes.

  • Mia8749530 Mia8749530 on Feb 19, 2017

    Definitely agree about rehanging picture, lower and centered, put mirror somewhere else. If you like the mirror I would consider sandi ng it and painting it in a medium blue. White tables will really help. Get lamps with bases that are a bright teal. Continue that teal or shades of it in knit throw over end of couch, some patterned pillows with your colors in them...maybe a striped one, a floral one. On your tables use accents...choose from or combine,,,baskets, candles, glass jars filled with shells, a photo on an end table. If you use that dark table as a coffee table I would paint it medium blue or gray, not white.

    you don't show other parts of room, but could use lots if ideas....a small bench, a lantern, driftwood, on a wall add a flowers, just some twine wrapped around it in places, maybe glue on some shelves.

  • Janice Peterson Janice Peterson on Feb 19, 2017

    while I find the room comforting and classic you could see how you feel about a blue wall. I was thinking a darker blue for that piece of wall between windows visible in photo but if that proves too much I would add the blue in smaller touches like pillows or a throw.

  • Violet Violet on Feb 20, 2017

    I agree with rehanging the picture.. instead of painting the wheel and the end table..I would white wash them... leave the dark brown, but use a watered down paint... or chalk paint to white wash them... throw in some tan and grayish color paints also.. sand the wood lightly as to let the paint soak in, add white wash, and brush on colors wherever it looks best on the wood to give it a weathered look...also use throws and pillows in blue, tan, and teals... I love the idea of using the table for a coffee table after it is color washed. Also use a centerpiece like a glass lantern in gray filled with a teal candle and shells and such... good luck.. the world is your oyster as they say!

  • Jean Fritsch Jean Fritsch on Feb 20, 2017

    I like your sheers too, BUT I think you need some color A.S.A.P! Try blue drapes & throw pillows to move the color around the room. No I'm NOT talking Navy blue which in my opinion would be too dull & too dark! No a Nautical blue which should compliment every thing you show in your photo. This blue has life to it Have fun!

  • Bbunny42 Bbunny42 on Mar 02, 2017

    Yes -- beach sand colored walls would help a lot! Like the idea above about the lamps along with throws and pillows picking up colors used in the room. Most beaches will have the sun so use a nice buttery yellow .

  • Jennifer Jennifer on Mar 03, 2017

    All great ideas. I see coastal but I don't see a personal touch. Add a shell garland to your windows. Maybe string them down instead of draping at the top.

    Must have a plant or two, how about a tropical tree right in that corner.

    More color is needed and pillows are a great start. With colors like navy, yellow and red. The colors don't need to be bright, muted would be better with the colors you already have going on.

    Whatever you do make it yours, do what makes you smile!

  • BabyBoomerSC BabyBoomerSC on Mar 03, 2017

    With the color of your rug and the cream/beige of the chairs, you need an anchor -- I see darker blue on the walls (navy-like) which would be a great backdrop for your white curtains and white end tables. Many people fear dark colors on the walls, but if you have adequate light/windows in your room, it can look amazing.

    Adding accent pieces will help as well, your lamps should include some type of blue & beige/cream to tie the room together.

    Here's a couple of lamp options:

    Nautical look -

    Modern look -

    As others have said, center the picture and add pillows in coordinating colors to your couch.

  • Irene Findlay Irene Findlay on Mar 04, 2017

    Hi there most stores will refund if you make a mistake so buy a few pillows your idea for white end tables sounds right ,I would buy beside cabinets instead I am always looking to include storage,and choose an accent colour and use it in different shades and materials ,you do need to centre the picture maybe use a colour from it as your accent ? Have fun there is right or wrong just what you enjoy,all the best from Scotland ,oh and I love that little round table xx

  • Bj.teems Bj.teems on Mar 04, 2017

    So much good info has been given that I do not feel I have much to add. However, you may like to know that when hanging anything on a wall, they need to be hung at eye level. If you are short and your husband is tall, strike for a mid ground. Anything hanging so that one has to look up is wrong. I also like a painting in places such as putting one next to a chair so that all one has to do to see it is turn their head.

    I like the walls and the sheers. I am more pleased when the drapes are close to the color of the wall because it expands the space. Bring color in like people suggested with pillows and art work. Plus, using rugs over rugs is a nice touch for adding color.

  • Eroque022810 Eroque022810 on Mar 20, 2017

    Yes, light cream chair looks okay but just okay, the settee needs to go and I bet so does the recliner. Maybe it's the lack of light but carpet looks really dark. If you must keep furniture then repaint walls to a warm color. It can probably still be grey but with a warm undertone. It's hard to mix cold and warm tones and that's what you now have to fix and wall color is the least expensive way to go. The Grey is very light as well maybe go one hue darker with new color. Have you given any thought to a navy. It's still cool color but would make a beautiful background for Sandy shades you have in furniture. You can't get more nautical then navy blue and Sandy beach in furniture. The carpet would reflect light like the sky.

  • Mary Mary on Mar 20, 2017

    As suggested "the ghost and Mrs muir" painting needs centered on that wall (great old movie) put the ships wheel on the other. The lighter the carpet the airier the room. If you have a lot of traffic the darker might be the best. If you have new furniture coming then go with that. Start there and get shades for everything else from the paint chips they have at the stores. Sometimes rug samples are available but sometimes they can pressure you into there sales. Paint chips don't have a salesman. Then you can build from there. Check for some pictures of the type and style your after, that way you can see more what it looks like.

  • 861650 861650 on Mar 20, 2017

    Check on Pinterest regarding how to hang art as there are many examples for furniture, around windows and doors, beside or above lighting, behind couches, etc., etc. While on Pinterest, type in, "how to decorate a coastal look in your living room," pin the ones you love. Wait a few days & go back through them eliminating the pics you don't like. You can google the same phrase to see what you can find.

  • Joan Joan on Mar 25, 2017

    Add white!

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Sep 03, 2023

    Rope rug and table in centre of room with nautical item on top.

  • Betsy Betsy on Dec 31, 2023

    Hi Sandra: You did a fine job, just a few dribs and drabs of colour to spark it up and you'll be fine.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jan 01, 2024

    Hi Sandra, hope this helps you out. You can add certain colors to this decor to make them pop. They all look great together! The light grey walls are perfect because they are so neutral.

    comment photo
  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Jan 01, 2024

    Touched painter has put you on the right path to color choosing and balance.