How should we finish our new screened porch?

Dee Kelnhofer
by Dee Kelnhofer
Stain the floor and all other woodwork dark & paint the bead board white OR all woodwork white & bead board a light robin's egg blue? We're planning to furni it with wicker furniture with cushions & maybe an out door rug.
  7 answers
  • Nancy Gramm Nancy Gramm on Apr 29, 2017

    Tastes differ, so you'll get a lot of different answers. The taste most important is your own. The trendy answer is stained floorboards, white on beadboard and trim, but since your beadboard is raw wood, my inclination would be to stain both floor and walls and perhaps go with white trim. Again, though, your choice. It will be lovely whatever you choose.

    This is me, wishing I were in your shoes. My husband began screening in our back porch and then fractured a vertebrae in an auto accident. I'm glad he didn't get any farther than he did because now we can put the whole project aside and only be out the cost of the lumber and the time he spent cutting it. But yay you!

    • See 1 previous
    • Nancy Gramm Nancy Gramm on May 04, 2017

      Thanks for the kind thoughts. Screened porches are lovely, and I don't think you can go wrong whatever you choose. Don't second-guess yourself! ;-)

  • Heidi Shepard-Keen Heidi Shepard-Keen on Apr 29, 2017

    I would paint the breadboard and trim white but stain the floors and the beams. The dark floors will anchor the space and the stained beams will pop from the white ceiling and look fantastic! Good luck!

  • My vote is to stain the floors and beams and paint everything else a nice bright white. This gives you a timeless, classic backdrop for any colors you choose. Bring in via rugs, pillows, throws, and other decor. Then when the mood strikes, you can change with minimal effort or investment.

  • Dee Kelnhofer Dee Kelnhofer on Apr 29, 2017

    Would you stain the ceiling beams as well?

  • Karen Myers Karen Myers on Apr 30, 2017

    the ceiling would be lovely in a robins egg blue, but for my taste, I prefer the look of natural wood. There are beautiful semi transparent stains available to use on the floor and the bead board. stain will never flake or peel like paint. You may have to restain once in a great while, but it would be less often than repainting and less costly.

  • Lori Law Lori Law on May 04, 2017

    What a lovely space! I'd stain all the wood a light white/gray as the different woods will take the stain differently. Let your furnishings and rug bring in pops of color.

  • Susan Savarese Susan Savarese on May 04, 2017

    I think all of the suggestions above are WONDERFUL! For my screened in patio, I went with a completely different look, decorating wise as paint wasn't an option, than how our home is decorated. I wanted it to look fun! Please be sure to send an updated picture when you are finished!

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