Should I move the furnace or build around it?

by Manzeph
Unfinished basement and want to increase living space by moving to non livable room. We have Radiator Heat.
  5 answers
  • It all depends on your budget. Moving the furnace requires a permit and inspections so they are properly installed and to code. If it is in the budget, go for it! If not, make sure there is proper air circulation for it to function correctly and accessible for maintenance.

  • William William on Apr 29, 2017

    So you have a boiler. They can be moved anywhere you want as long as there is access for the flue (chimney). Depending how old it is and your budget replacing it may be an option. This is not a DIY. You will need an HVAC contractor to do the job. I've never heard about codes or inspections. Here in Illinois they're just installed.

  • Sandra Allen Sandra Allen on Apr 29, 2017

    If you don't want to use it anymore, is there a way you could donate it to Habitat for Humanity? If it's even something that is used anymore, or perhaps dismantled and disposed of safely. I would call your local heating and cooling people and get some advice.

  • Sharon Roscher Sharon Roscher on Apr 30, 2017

    Don't be discouraged! Our Bldg. Inspector told us that we couldn't move that huge Heating Unit (big green box) that sat in the middle of 220 sq. ft. of "livable space"! Well we did it anyway and built a beautiful spa-like bathroom adjacent to a 3rd bedroom downstairs. The "Big Box" is now outside in it's own "house" and comfortably out of the way!


    Nice job, but did you get your permit signed off on after the inspector said you couldn't move it?