How can l keep my flowers pretty? The wind blows here 50 mph at times!

by Jan12200334
I love flowers and am having a hard time keeping the petals on with the wind blowing so hard I live on a hill and we get a wind at times 50 mph help
  5 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 02, 2017

    So how would some one be able to answer that if location,lighting etc. is not given???

  • Sam Sam on May 03, 2017

    have you ever thought of putting up some fencing? and put a garden in front of it? it would not totally stop the winds, but would cut down on them. it may mean you have to re think where you put flowers. it would be helpful to know the location of your gardens in your yard.... there are many plants that can with stand heavy winds... suggest you go to a gardening place and explain your problem.they could prob help you out. good luck.

  • Sharon Sharon on May 03, 2017

    I live on oregon coast, and it blows here year round. Flowering ground covers and bulb flowers do well, , violets, gerber daisies. Flowering scrubs like rhododendrons, fuschia, hydrangea, azaelies, peonies.

  • Carol Carol on May 03, 2017

    Try choosing mostly low growing flowers. If you start seeds, look in different catalogs for annual flowers that do not get very tall.

  • Judy Judy on May 03, 2017

    I would place the plants sheltered by a larger shrub, or on a certain side of the house, that doesn't get much winds. If there is one. At our other home, we had a east side that rarely got high winds. For the winds came from the north and west. So, do watch your winds, and the area. Do go to, and they will let you know, or show you, the areas that strong winds will be this yr. Best wishes, do excuse the note above, of such rudeness, ok? Best wishes, J.