What are Safe water plants for pets?

I have gotten myself in many arguments with people over which flowering water plants are safe and which are not. Some sites even have wrong or incomplete info like the aspca.com website. Can you please help with a list of the worst?

  4 answers
  • Candace Candace on May 03, 2017

    watercress is safe and you can use it in salads, also cattails are harmless to pets

  • Just Google, and check with your vet, as there are so many "potentially" dangerous plants. Here is the catch - they have to ingest the plant, and generally a significant amount. So unless your cat, dog, bird, etc. is a plant gobbler, you are just fine. I have 6 cats, 3 dogs, 3 neighbor dogs, a canary and a dragon. I have poinsettas every year, (supposedly deadly), not one nibble and have NEVER had a pet sick from eating a plant. When I get a new plant I always see how they react. Never a problem. It all boils down to plain old common sense. If the owner is a neurotic, the pets will be a nervous wreck too. They feed off your energy.

  • Sbrauer2 Sbrauer2 on May 04, 2017

    Lavender is deadly to cats and they are known for trying to eat it. I know not a water plant but an exampl. Many "safe" plants can cause a build up of toxins in the liver (especially cats) which can take awhile to cause illness. The problem is by the time they show signs it is hard to identify the culprit. Poinsettias are not deadly they cause gastrointestinal issues.

  • Landsharkinnc Landsharkinnc on May 06, 2017

    there are more plants that cause digestive upsets, mouth irritations than are actually toxic ( like deaths cap mushrooms!) -- but I'd not want my pets eating/ chewing on anything that was even questionable -- just because you see rabbits, squirrels, etc eating something doesn't mean it is safe for another species!

    • LusciousAndrea Mehrer LusciousAndrea Mehrer on May 06, 2017

      I know orchids hibiscus and Cannas are all ok as far as flowering . Supposedly water lilies, lotus, water hyacinth can all be poisonous because of bulbs mostly. Please check with a professional first.