What can I do for Cheap shower storage?

Mitzie Pikert
by Mitzie Pikert
I have a shower with very little storage need cheap way to have storage I have some plastic baskets and hooks any thing????
  2 answers
  • C. D. Scallan C. D. Scallan on May 09, 2017

    Hang a tension rod in your shower with plastic baskets from the dollar store . Use command strip hooks inside cabinet doors to hold slim narrow baskets. Stackable trays inside the cabinet .

  • Georgia Bridgman Georgia Bridgman on May 13, 2017

    I used to have a small shower that had no shelves. I bought one of the cheap bags meant to hold shoes, used a punch to put a couple of drainage holes in each pocket and hung it from the shower rod. Held my shampoo, conditioner, bubble bath, shave cream and more