How to makeover brick facade on the inside of your sunroom?

by Maria
We have white brick with light grey grout (fake) on the outer walls of my home. The sun room that is screened in has this and we want a more homey interior look, what can we do?
My husband was a fire chief and I would love to redo the room for him.
  6 answers
  • Cpo21955612 Cpo21955612 on May 13, 2017

    Paint the wall with an eggshell finish paint. The wall will have a nice texture and the finish has some warmth and depth. Grey is the new neutral- goes with everything. Getting too creative can give a room too specific a decor. One that you may tire of quickly. Keep the color neutral and go with a wall collage or oversized striking special piece, that can be changed out ,if wanted,without having to redo the whole room.

    • Maria Maria on May 13, 2017

      Thanks, I will keep that in mind while I continue to research ideas.

  • Lynn1110 Lynn1110 on May 14, 2017

    We painted our white brick blue (my favorite color). Our house is tan siding and we really enjoy that it feels like a "real".

    comment photo
  • Patricia Patricia on May 14, 2017

    It's usually best to stick with something neutral, but oh my I think it would be fantastic to faux paint the brick to look like an old firehouse wall!

  • Canadianlady Canadianlady on May 14, 2017

    Even though you have grey grout on the exterior bricks, I'd paint the interior ones a solid white. It would freshen everything up without the busyness of the grey grout.

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on May 14, 2017

    I found a fireplace idea that I just love. Go to this page FIRST THEN SCROLL DOWN TO THE COMMENTS

    Find the comment by Tamara Alaine Mitchell Rogue River, OR which is about the 24th comment down. She has 2 pictures that she posted as a comment. I just love what she did. It may be more than you want and you don't have to buy the Giana kit, but the general idea of sponging on various colors made the brick look amazing. You could take that idea and use colors that fit your idea of what you'd like.

    Good luck! :)

  • Maria Maria on May 14, 2017

    Thank you Linda. I agree sponging other colors might be awesom looking.