Flexible covering for a patio door ideas!

Pam Olds
by Pam Olds
We have a patio door off of our deck. I have not had any success with covering it. The sun has faded our floor!! Please help!!
  19 answers
  • Martha Martha on May 14, 2017

    Paint the area to look like a rug with a design on it.

  • Ron Ron on May 14, 2017

    tint the glass

  • My opening is the same from my kitchen to the back yard. Right now I have vertical blinds that remain drawn until the sun moves to the other side of the house.

  • Row8246523 Row8246523 on May 15, 2017

    There is film you can buy to put on the glass to block the UV rays. There are also companies who will install it if you don't want to DIY

  • Lorraine Smith Lorraine Smith on May 15, 2017

    I'm jealous. That part of our deck never gets the sun - only mildew. They have some very pretty window cling that comes in many widths and lengths and should also reduce the glare from the sun.

  • Ellen Gregory Ellen Gregory on May 15, 2017

    I hung ready made shades on mine. One shade on each side. When the sun isn't there, I roll them up. If it's a day where we are going in and out a lot, I just keep the one side down. To cover the shade rollers I put up a curtain rod with a pretty valance.

  • Barb Barb on May 15, 2017

    I too had that problem and the hot NC sun in the afternoon. I put up a Sunshade. It does not block the rain but did tone down the sun and heat in my dining room a lot. And, my plants love it and manage to stay alive and not burned. The Sunshades come in various (odd) sizes.

    The picture was taken in the AM so that is why there is more shade!

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    • See 2 previous
    • Barb Barb on May 15, 2017

      Instead of just using the Four Corners I put grommet about a foot apart on either end and that helps a lot

  • Chapmanooka Chapmanooka on May 15, 2017

    get a shade sail... rectangular... it works!

  • Karen Dunnam Karen Dunnam on May 15, 2017

    Get a sail-type sun shade, or an EZ-Up canopy, to help make the deck more useful.

  • Lucy Pivonka Lucy Pivonka on May 15, 2017

    You can buy a stick-on product that blocks UV light - just cut to size and stick on to the insides of your door. Smooth out the air bubbles and you'll be all set.

  • Bernadette Staal Bernadette Staal on May 15, 2017

    you can go with the automated "old fashioned" but modernised canopy's but in New Zealand we have an exciting product called Archgola. You could google that and then see if you can find something similar where every you are.

  • Mary Jane King Mary Jane King on May 15, 2017

    You can buy paint that tints the glass without taking away the ability to see out. I've seen it in spray paint at both the lumber yards and WalMart. It is a frosted white color. There is also a paint that covers the glass more fully. A fun thing to do with it, would be to attach a large piece of lace to the glass and then spray the glass. That would give a very attractive glass, making it almost like a white frosted stained glass.

  • Pam Olds Pam Olds on May 15, 2017

    Thanks for your ideas!!!

  • Bbunny42 Bbunny42 on May 15, 2017

    I use two sun-blocking curtain panels on my sliding patio doors. For the one on the door that opens, I use two metal "tie backs" to match the curtain rod, installing one at the mid-point and the other about 10" from the floor to keep the curtain from getting caught in the door.

  • Shirley Heikkinen Shirley Heikkinen on May 16, 2017

    Static cling film is ideal as it can be easily removed, and can be used again. Here's what I used on mirrored closet doors that I didn't like. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HVFM54G/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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  • Ann Ann on May 16, 2017

    My neighbor put flex window film for his patio doors . He went on line to find the correct film, he can see out but know sun or people see in. I have seen the same window film on walmart.com . Easy to use, just follow directions that come with it.

  • Barb Barb on May 16, 2017

    Yes. If I know there is a hurricane heading my way then I will take it down. Instead of using just the 4 corners for tying down, I did add grommets about 1 ft apart on opposite sides which gives it more stability. And yes, it will sag a bit when it rains but will tighten up again. And, the rope on the one side stretches for the first few weeks so a little re-tightening is required. I used carbine clips on one side for quick take down! It beats spending a couple thousand $$ on a roof! My plants love it because they still get bright light and rain but not the harsh sun. It certainly helps to keep the room off the slider cooler and didn't fade rugs and floor tiles. I have used this for many years. It is comfortable to sit under even in the hot sun above. Hope this has helped.

  • Shannon Shannon on May 17, 2017

    I have drapes with sheer panels underneath. When it's sunny I pull the sheers across. I also have metal tie back brackets on the wall to hold the panels back when going in and out to the deck. In the winter I close the sheers and the drapes if especially cold.