My many herb pots need to be off the ground &easier to water, how?

Wynne Wigderson
by Wynne Wigderson
Need them easier to cut, water ect. Can anyone help me to do this inexpensively?
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  16 answers
  • Shop garage sales and second hand shops for little plastic tables or carts, anything you can use to get them off the ground for you. You never know what you may come accross.

    Another option would be cinder blocks and pre fab fence boards, provided you have someone to help you with the cinder blocks - as they are heavy.

  • Liz Toone Liz Toone on Jun 24, 2017

    Maybe you can find a secondhand bookshelf or something similar at a thrift shop.

  • Elizabeth Mitchell Elizabeth Mitchell on Jun 24, 2017

    Do you have some tables or chairs you don't need or want anymore. If you have strong boards to put across the chair seats, that works. Or you can stack rocks then put boards or flat rocks on top to place your herb pots on. If you have stairs on the outside of your house that are wide enough to put one pot on a step, that can work. If you can find some cement bricks ( about 12 to 14 inches or longer that are about about 6 inches deep). stack them to the height you want and put your plans on the top. The easiest of course would be to buy a hose and a watering sprinkler head to water them where they are. You haven't said if there are animals that love to eat your plants...anyway I wish you good luck, Happy Growing!!

    • Wynne Wigderson Wynne Wigderson on Jun 26, 2017

      These are great ideas- been using blood meal & it keeps the critters away- they hate the smell; learned this from my mom!

  • C. D. Scallan C. D. Scallan on Jun 24, 2017

    If you can find a free pallet , this looks like a good idea ,

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jun 24, 2017

    Use old pots upside down,plant stands,milk crates

  • G Ma Ann G Ma Ann on Jun 24, 2017

    My herbs are in rectangular pots which hang on my deck railing they fit boards either 4" or 6" wide I can just walk out of my kitchen and tend to them or snip what I need for cooking if you do not have a deck or a railing 5 gallon pails upside down make good little stands and are fee from most fast foods pickles come in those and other items!

  • A A on Jun 24, 2017

    We created a hanging herb garden by using galvanized pipe. We used 8' long x 1" diameter for the vertical and horizontal pipes. We sunk the verticals about 2' into the ground using a post driver. Because we drove the post in, instead of digging a hole, we didn't need to cement the pipes. We've used this process before and have had no issues with the pipes wobbling, etc. There are 6 vertical pipes (we did two sections, both with 3 vertical pipes). We found that we needed a center pipe once the buckets were hung and the herbs/flowers were planted; they got heavy. The horizontal pipe was cut to fit, so I don't have an exact measurement. I used a variety of metal buckets and galvanized metal hooks (like the ones you get for hanging orchids) because they come in 2 lengths and are inexpensive. We had to use PVC elbows (painted copper) because we couldn't get the right size in galvanized.

    We've also done this by installing fence posts horizontally between three vertical fence posts. Again, we had to use PVC elbows because we couldn't find galv. elbows in the right size. We painted the PVC to look like galvanized.

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    • See 3 previous
    • Wynne Wigderson Wynne Wigderson on Jul 20, 2017

      Lol! Wouldn't mind having him for the weekend! Lots to do in Pensacola; FL- white beaches & all!

  • Lyn15291588 Lyn15291588 on Jun 24, 2017

    The cheapest way is to get some tomato cages, like the one you have in the tomato plant. Cut the legs that go into the ground off. Spray them a pretty color if you like. Turn them upside down sit the plants in the ring. To stabilize them you can use tent stakes or take a hanger cut it down to 6-8" fold in half and push into ground over the cage.

  • Andy Andy on Jun 24, 2017

    Place them on top of cinder blocks, the holes will serve as drainage and keep them cool in the sun

    AEP Florida

  • Marilla Waltrip Monroe Marilla Waltrip Monroe on Jun 24, 2017

    I found a old display loft bed at Kmart. It was slated for destruction so I asked the manager if I could have it for a potting bench. He thought I was crazy but I still got it. :)

  • Don Don on Jun 24, 2017

    Hang, shelve, or whatever, but definitely consider drip irrigation

  • Johnchip Johnchip on Jun 24, 2017

    Find some nice old wood ladders.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jun 24, 2017

    Check out salvation army or goodwill and see if they have any metal tables or any tables you could use without refinishing them to be able to handle being outside. I found a tiered plant stand at Aldies that was really pretty cheep to use at the side of the house on the driveway. It doesn't raise them up so much on the lowest level, but at least it is off the ground and a little easier to tend to.

  • Leenukka Leenukka on Jun 25, 2017

    This might not be for your situation, but maybe for somebody else. I placed my kitchen herb summer garden in pots on cellar stairs right outside kitchen. All have under plates, some large ones with several plants with similar water needs. Easy to water and cut.

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  • Cro23537118 Cro23537118 on Jun 25, 2017

    I use those 5 gallon plastic pails from home improvement stores for both "stand" and pots. Drill ΒΌ" holes in bottom of pail being used as pot, add about 1" coarse gravel and potting soil, place on inverted 2nd pot. Works even for tomatos and other veggies, too, thanks to deep root room. I do add drainage plates, too, where appropriate to protect concrete from staining.

  • Margolynluvsu Margolynluvsu on Jun 25, 2017

    I use old lamp shades. Take off material and use the metal framing. The widest end on the ground, the pots can fit quite nicely on the cross bars. I painted mine. Sorry I have no pics but I hope you get the idea.