How do I create outdoor canvas wall art?

Debi Kisluk
by Debi Kisluk
  7 answers
  • Emily Emily on Jun 26, 2017

    I am tempted to say "buy a painting". I guess it depends on your skill as an artist. You could buy a cheap museum print and frame it. Does it have to be canvas? You could decoupage the canvas, you could paint an abstract painting by just dripping paint on it. You could make a geometric design by using painters tape to tape off sections and just paint them different colors. First what style of decorating do you admire? What type of art work do you admire? I have often thought of painting a quilt design on a large canvas.

  • Lyn Buerger Lyn Buerger on Jun 26, 2017

    I love the thought but it will not last. I cannot tell you how many canvas art for the back yard pieces I've had to try to restore. The canvas shrinks with exposure to humidity and sun and the stretcher bars warp and the canvas tears. etc. etc. Try painting you art on wood and putting a good sun-resistant varnish on front and back. Screw the wood pieces to the fence in all corners and sides (if it is long). Even then you will be damage from humidity and sun but will last longer. Canvas is a cotton fabric and simply was not intended for that abuse. If you plan to leave the art up for a year and maybe two them go for it.

    • Debi Kisluk Debi Kisluk on Jun 27, 2017

      Interesting. I want to hang it on the brick wall on my deck. Wood sounds good, thanks.

  • Susan Susan on Jun 26, 2017

    EXACTLY as Lyn B just said. Good luck

  • Gale O'Neal Gale O'Neal on Jun 26, 2017

    Secret to weatherproofing outdoor canvas art:

    comment photo
  • Jennie Herrick Jennie Herrick on Jun 26, 2017

    Buy a painters canvas drop cloth, hang it up, paint it, seal it if needed. You're done!

  • Jennie Herrick Jennie Herrick on Jun 27, 2017

    No problem! Drop cloths are great! I'm even using one as a cover over my old nasty couch that I can't afford to replace! If you want them to have a "softer feel" toss them in the washing machine with just fabric softener (i usually buy the cheapest stuff for this) and "wash" it a few times. Then dry it to take out any hard wrinkles and use as needed!..... Just remember that everything you can think of has more than one use! Heck! I just used my iPhone charger that plugs into the wall as a screwdriver yesterday! Good Luck and have fun!