Ideas for centerpieces to benefit homeless

by Kcama
I volunteered to make centerpieces for a fund-raising breakfast to benefit homeless street medicine. Instead of spending money on fancy, but useless things, I thought I could create them from items that would benefit the homeless people we're serving. After checking what they really need, I came up with a few things. Like sock flowers with Slim Jim jerky stems and waterproof sacks for "vases." That's about the end of my creativity, but I'm sure the Hometalk community could fill pages with great ideas.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

  7 answers
  • Norris720 Norris720 on Jun 26, 2017

    Kcama - Colorful tissue Paper with a weight and ribbon.

  • C. D. Scallan C. D. Scallan on Jun 26, 2017

    Anti-bacterial wipes and gel, go to the dollar tree and get small tubes of toothpaste and the large packages of toothbrushes , soaps , socks and combs.

    At Christmas , my family no longer exchanges gifts as we have been blessed to have everything we need . So for several years we have gotten together for the family party /meal and made "blessing bags" with all these items and some granola bars, tuna salad and snack cracker packets ,etc. Together with my siblings and their spouses, grown children we make about 50-70 of these bags to deliver to the local homeless shelter . These items were requested by the administration there, hope it helps you out .

  • BillieandRob Linhart BillieandRob Linhart on Jun 26, 2017

    You could make book baskets, baskets with random things such as samples of items, balloons tied down with rocks, baskets made with items of canned food, etc...

  • Suzette Suzette on Jun 26, 2017

    Hi K, Since you have "medicine" in your charity, you could make something like this, only instead of the teddy bear, make sock flowers. And instead of the coffee cup, maybe a box that looked like a Dr. bag or first aid box!

    Or, you could make a tiered sock cake

    Hope this helps!

    comment photo
  • Gail Gail on Jun 26, 2017

    how about wash cloth flowers with toothbrush stems

  • Virginia Virginia on Jun 26, 2017

    Just sharing my thoughts, here. I know that one drugstore has shrinkage in antiperspirants (nice term for stolen merchandise). I believe in dignity for everyone, so I would include a popular antiperspirant like Axe or similar and some nice soap. For women, some nice feminine antiperspirant and nice soap.

    I love your first idea, too!

    For the bear centerpiece, you might consider making messenger bags from some material (do you have old curtains like in The Sound of Music?) and the gifts can go in there.

    Consider sunblock, Solarcaine, and insect repellant.

    One more thing: with a washcloth you can fold a boo - boo bunny that will hold some ice when you need ice on a wound like a burn. There are several sites which can show you how to fold one.

  • Virginia Virginia on Jun 26, 2017

    Also lotion and chapstick.

    • Kcama Kcama on Jun 27, 2017

      Thanks for such a thoughtful reply. I popped awake this morning with "chapstick!" in my head. Great minds think alike.