What plant is this?

Jennifer White
by Jennifer White
I live in Wyoming, Michigan I thought these where putunia but yeah I'mnot sure. Pictures below.
Looking to ID any plant in both pictures.
Looking to ID any plant in both pictures.
  8 answers
  • Dorothy Hoogstra Dorothy Hoogstra on Jul 04, 2017

    It's a weed, get rid of it.

    • Roxie Roxie on Jul 04, 2017

      definately NOT a petunia!! I'm with Ingrid...looks like Easter lily plant stem or stem of SOME kind of lily. If you dig down & see what the root looks like, if it's bulbous, it's some kind of lily; having said that if it doesn't freeze during the winter where you live, it may NEVER bloom. Good luck.

  • Ingrid cattley Ingrid cattley on Jul 04, 2017

    We have something similar in Australia called "Easter lilies". They are garden plants but are a huge pest if they get into bushland. I have a few and use them for cut flowers but I have to be very careful to make sure that none go to seed.

  • Spe5095167 Spe5095167 on Jul 04, 2017

    Roxie is correct. Definitely not a petunia. It looks like mugwort to me. Do the leaves have a scent?

  • Holly Kinchlea-Brown Holly Kinchlea-Brown on Jul 04, 2017

    I would say they are lilies, they are definitely not petunias though.

  • Sandy Sandy on Jul 04, 2017

    BI U

    • Shirley Heikkinen Shirley Heikkinen on Jul 05, 2017

      Sandy, Those letters are there to be used in your typing, B = Bold, I = Italic, and

      U = Underline . To use them click on with your cursor, or if using a touch screen as I do just tap and the one you touch should be highlighted.

  • Belinda Salyer Belinda Salyer on Jul 05, 2017

    Mexican Patunia

  • Pen22343982 Pen22343982 on Jul 05, 2017

    I live in Tucson, Arizona in Southwest USA. Here this plant is called a (Nerium) Oleander. It grows profusely; is used as a windbreak or an ornamental shrub (dwarf), comes in several different colors, and is toxic. It can be scraggly, pruned as a tree, and is considered a weed in Queensland. I wouldn't get rid of them.

    comment photo
  • Dee Snay Dee Snay on Jul 05, 2017

    Looks like weed. But don't plant morning glories .multiply by extremes