Want to add some flare above fireplace

Michele Sawyer
by Michele Sawyer
I would like to add shiplap and make the above fireplace area stand out. I will still have the tv above it.
  7 answers
  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Jul 08, 2017

    I think that sounds like a beautiful idea. Here is a link to several Hometalker's who have done shiplap work. Maybe something here will inspire you and you can ask them questions you may have as well. http://www.hometalk.com/search/posts?filter=shiplap - good luck

  • Bob2468236 Bob2468236 on Jul 08, 2017

    maybe some wide white decorative moulding.

  • 2dogal 2dogal on Jul 08, 2017

    I would use the smaller wall if it can be a focal point. I think that ship lap is "in" thing that will go out of favor soon and will create a mess when taken down.

  • Elizabeth Dion Elizabeth Dion on Jul 08, 2017

    I think the shiplap will create a lovely focal point above the fireplace. My thought would to ne to run it the full length of the wall rather than adding it just above the fireplace.

  • SandyG SandyG on Jul 08, 2017

    Add width to your fireplace ship lap or moulding as opposed to taller and it will look more scaled to wall.

    • Michele Sawyer Michele Sawyer on Jul 08, 2017

      So your suggesting to only add shiplap to the length of the fireplace and not the entire wall? if so do you add width based upon the dimensions on the fireplace and not mantle? If correct with my understanding do you add shiplap vertically or horizontally?

  • SandyG SandyG on Jul 08, 2017

    The entire wall, horizontally with shiplap .

  • Barb Barb on Jul 08, 2017

    Yes you need that extra touch to complete that lovely wall and I would keep it white because of the dark wall, here's a picture to complete that look😎

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