Looking for a Swag Valance with no tails pattern

by Lou
Anyone have a pattern or know where I can find one? I have searched Pinterest and Googled it but can't find one.
I have scarves swagged on my living room windows. On the front door window I don't want the tails hanging down on the sides. Just the swag valance.

  9 answers
  • Just tuck the tails in artfully? I can understand why you do not want the tails hanging down by the front door window. Maybe a cornice board with the fabric draped over that?

  • Bethamy Spires Barringer Bethamy Spires Barringer on Aug 02, 2017

    make the scarf/swag yourself. Try using an old sheet to get the right size then just cut and hem the fabric

  • Sharon Sharon on Aug 02, 2017

    Most of the patterns I have used the two end pieces are separate from the center swag. Here is a center swag.... http://www.drapesmadeeasy.com/swag-patterns.html

  • Janet Paskiewicz Gyurina Janet Paskiewicz Gyurina on Aug 02, 2017

    McCall's patterns or Butterick patterns. These are sewing patterns and both have a large variety of home decor patterns.

  • Cindy Cindy on Aug 02, 2017

    Try the pattern books at your local fabric shop.

  • B. Enne B. Enne on Aug 02, 2017

    The tails are called jabots or cascades.

    I remember using a board a little longer than the window and stapled the fabric around it, like wrapping a present. I did the middle 1/3 , and only 1 or 2 staples for the rest, just to tack it in place. It hung down like a rectangle with sides. Then I gathered each side pleating the fabric one pleat at a time, and stapling it. I remember tweaking the pleats until it sat right. I don't have a picture. It looked a bit like this valance without the jabots.


    Here are some suggestions:


  • B. Enne B. Enne on Aug 02, 2017

    Here are some good videos.

  • Lou Lou on Aug 04, 2017

    Thank you!

  • Kathy Bumsted Kathy Bumsted on Aug 04, 2017

    there is a website called freepatterns.com. they have a lot of patterns for everything.

    • Lou Lou on Aug 07, 2017

      Thanks for sharing the website. I'm headed there now.