I have a bunch of empty plastic 1 gallon water jugs.

by Karen
I have up to 30 plastic water jugs at a time. Some I can give away, but I hate to just throw them away. Surely there's a new use for them?

  12 answers
  • Alyssa Alyssa on Aug 21, 2017

    This website has some suggestions for ways to re-purpose them: http://cooldiyideas.com/16-creative-ways-to-reuse-and-upcycle-milk-jugs/

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Aug 22, 2017

    Most all water jugs are also recyclable and made into all kinds of things. I keep a bunch hidden under plant stands for times I don't want to get hoses out to water all my planter. It always gives me water that is warmer than what comes out of my hose so I don't like using too cold of water when it is real hot out and I think of what a cold shower would feel like when I am that hot.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Aug 22, 2017

    If you have a freezer, fill empty spaces with gallon jugs of water, not quite full because water expands when frozen. 😇

  • Sharon Sharon on Aug 22, 2017

    Recyling does give them a new life.... they could wind up being a park bench, a tray in the cafeteria, etc.

  • Sba22250643 Sba22250643 on Aug 22, 2017

    Karen I would fill them up with water from your sink in case you lose electricity use them to flush the toilets with. Use them to cook with on a barbeque. (water)

  • FL FL on Aug 22, 2017

    I have seem them filled and used to hold down tarps or pool covers by tying rope through a groomet and around the gallon container's handle. I have also seen people cut off the bottoms then use them to cover plants in a garden until they get strong enough to survive. A final use is cutting them in half and taking them to the beach where the top part with the handle acts like a scoop for kids to use for sand or water and the bottom part can be used for to collect shells or as a mold for "bricks" to make a sand castle. Have fun!

  • Barbara Baldwin Barbara Baldwin on Aug 22, 2017

    Bird feeders

  • Kathy Kathy on Aug 22, 2017

    fill with water and poke a small hole or two in the bottom and they can be used as slow release watering container for larger landscaping plants. You can even add some liquid based fertilizer to the water if your plants need it.

  • Karen Karen on Aug 23, 2017

    Thanks a bunch! KB

  • Karen Karen on Aug 23, 2017

    Thanks for all the ideas! I will run out of jugs before I try them all! LOL


  • Deb K Deb K on Sep 04, 2022

    Hi Karen, hope this inspires you.
