Home remedy for dog itching to death

Deborah Lewis
by Deborah Lewis
  8 answers
  • Amanda Amanda on Aug 22, 2017

    You can purchase special shampoo that helps relieve the itching. My dog has awful allergies and I also give her Benadryl. If it doesn't stop I would take the dog to the vet.

  • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Aug 22, 2017

    It really depends on the cause of the itching. This can range from a flea or tick infestation to mange to allergies to sensitivity to her food. In the interest of your dog's health and happiness, PLEASE take her to the vet!

  • Amanda Amanda on Aug 22, 2017

    You can purchase a special itching shampoo for dogs that helps relieve the itching. My dog suffers from bad skin allergies and when it is really bad I also give her Benadryl. If the problem continues and this doesn't help I would take the dog to the vet.

  • Peg Peg on Aug 22, 2017


    Hope this helps.

  • Cat Shaw Cat Shaw on Aug 22, 2017

    Hi Deborah, If you want to go with homeopathic remedies, tea tree oil and/or diluted lavender oil might be an option for you. I have used both of them for my itchy pets and it seemed to soothe. Good luck!

  • Before using home remedies (which I am in favor of), first take the dog to the vet to determine the cause. As previously stated it could be a number of things. If you do not find the reason, no matter what you do, the dog will always itch. PLEASE get your dog to the vet asap.

  • SandyG SandyG on Aug 22, 2017

    If it is fleas, Diatomaceous Earth is a popular natural flea control solution for dogs and cats. If you are unsure what is causing the itching, take your pet to the vet.

  • Barb Barb on Aug 26, 2017

    I agree with Naomie see a vet ASAP your dog may have several things causing and needs meds( steroid) to stop the itching they tend to itch the hair right off them and bite your paws and if it's been more that 2- days